Compassionate Conservatism

We are truly living in a Bizarro World: I’m watching MSNBC, where Pat Buchanan is defending Larry Craig, while obvious dyke Rachel Maddow is calling for his head. Craig, ...

Observing a Traveler

Something interesting happened as I was waiting on Sunday for a train at Penn Station in Manhattan. The experience was so amusing and so utterly revealing that I still can’t ...

The Two Wise Men

Since it was being put to work as such wonderful agitprop for the Ziocons, aka the “neocons”, I had assumed that “the clash of civilizations” mania ...

David Horowitz: Caught in a Lie

Poor David Horowitz. The long slide downward has been traumatic for him. Once an author of middlebrow biographies that sold fairly well, today he has become a neoconservative ...

The Evidence

Every day we read about some new Israeli accusation directed at its enemies emanating from the Amen Corner: Iran has “weapons of mass destruction,” Syria is plotting ...

Correcting My Critic

Patrick Foy is certainly entitled to dissent from my views about the current European scene, but it might help to point out the obvious, which his rejoinder partly obfuscates. It ...

Hitchens”€™ Haj

Hitchens rejects the Soviet or "€œStalinist"€ model (as do virtually all leftists today), and proposes instead that we fashion our enlightened "€œsecular"€ state after ...

Back To Basics

Aside from its bizarre beers, its tennis star Justine Henin, the writer Georges Simenon, and the flamboyant Rexist leader Leon Degrelle, I know very little about Belgium. No ...

A Visit to the Future

In A Time to Lead: For Duty, Honor and Country, Gen. Wesley Clark , remembers two visits to the Pentagon: the first one, two weeks after 9/11, yielded a bit of gossip from one of ...

Friday Evening Cyber-Stroll

Here‘s David Weigel, speculating about Ron Paul running as a third-party candidate: “According to Paul, every time he’s been asked, the answer is no. But ...

Department of Incurable Diseases

From the publisher’s blurb on for the new book by Jacob Heillbrun, They Knew They Were Right: The Rise of the Neocons: “Far from being chastened by the ...

Revving It Up for Rudy

Over at the Goldberg Review, they’re revving up the motors to convince “conservatives” that Rudy the Reckless is The One. We should have known this, and, indeed, ...

Absinthe and the Apocalyse

As the Bush administration, with the full-throat support of an unhinged media, whips up the public for a looming war with Iran, a sober citizen's thoughts run naturally to the ...

Marcus’s Mistake

Although I am second to none in my admiration for Marcus Epstein as a critic of the Left and of the continuing neocon nuisance, I feel constrained as a Europeanist to point out a ...

Big Brother in Brussels

On September 11, a number of Flemish politicians from the Vlaams Belang [Flemish Interest] party were arrested for attending a banned rally protesting "€œThe Islamization of ...

Oh, Really?

[Via Drudge] Heck, I coulda told you that .... For one thing, just look at the “decisions” that led to the invasion and occupation of ...

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