Regime Change Redux

For all practical purposes, we are at war with Iran. One wonders what the White House is waiting for. The EU is in the bag. Capitol Hill, taking its cue from AIPAC, plus all the ...

Not Even An Echo

Yesterday I noticed an article in the New York Post about two adjoining apartments off Central Park East that had contributed tens of millions of dollars to both Hillary and Rudy. ...

The Conservative Intellectual Uprising

Those who do not regularly read the conservative review Modern Age may be unaware of the revolt against neo-conservatism that has lately broken out in that journal. But the ...

Vince, Icon of a Bright Universe

The most authentic human being I have ever known was the father of a classmate in elementary school.  That classmate has remained a friend to this day. His father was a ...

Hitchens: Enemy of My Enemies?

The now-infamous confrontation between Hitchens and Father Rutler at Manhattan's Union League Club on May 1 reveals a deadly weakness in the conservative movement. It shows how ...

Fox “€œNews”€ and the Spirit of Joe Stalin

Former reporters and producers at Fox “News” expose what one of them refers to as the “Stalinist” methods of the War Party’s propaganda ...

Al Qaeda’s Toddlers

To hear the neocons tell it, we’re “winning” in Iraq, and here is the face of “victory”: <object style=“width: 100%” ...

Dawn With Doris

Do we really have to look at Doris Kearns Goodwin on Meet the Press so early in the morning? This plagiarist with the bromidic opinions—are we to be spared ...

Solidarity For Never

I had to laugh when I saw that the Hollywood writers have voted to go on strike. With the dreck they’re churning out these days, it’s the audience that ought to go on ...

Have a Hopeful Weekend

There is hope: <object width=“425” height=“366”><param name=“movie” ...

“€˜Christian Zionism”€™ and Dual Loyalty

From David Weigel’s account of the GOP presidential beauty contest now taking place in front of the Family Research Council: ”[Duncan Hunter’s] first big ...

Pollard Almost Freed

From the Jersusalem Post: “Israel once came close to securing the release of convicted Pentagon spy Jonathan Pollard, but the American security services pulled the plug on ...

Nepotism and the War Party

On the occasion of John Podhoretz being appointed editor of Commentary magazine, which his father, Norman, edited for a quarter century or so, leftie writer Eric Alterman summed ...

Fear Itself

On the twentieth anniversary of “Black Monday,” when approximately $1 trillion of “value” in a grievously over-valued stock market went up in smoke, the ...

Ayn Despite the Randians

The current regime of Rand-handlers offer an application of the principles of "€œObjectivism"€ to foreign policy that is unique in the annals of individualist thought: ...

Snigger at the “€œN*gger”€: Clarence Thomas Contra the Cracker Soul

Not only did Clarence Thomas take the full brunt of cultural mire and withstand it, he did so by sheer dint of an almost Leonidas-like manhood. When Thomas rose to confront the ...

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