Ron Paul on Jay Leno

I have to say that watching Ron Paul on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno was one of those surreal occurences, like an out-of-body experience, that leave one wondering: Did that ...

Poe and the Publicity Hounds of Hell

There is some evidence that Poe sporadically had more than just two drinks. What is less well known is that he had very low tolerance for alcohol and usually drank less in a year ...

Two Reviews; One Conclusion

There have been two intriguing book reviews over last weekend in the establishment press. Both concern the overriding topics of war and peace and the future of America. The first ...

Halloween: The Seven Deadly Courses

Make your front door the gateway to the spooky realm of purgative suffering by hanging the entrance, inside and out, with thick black velvet curtains. Keep the lighting dim, and ...

Ron Paul versus the Beltway “€œLibertarians”€

A piece over at The Politico on Ron Paul is snarky yet informative, which seems to be the signature style of that site: “Libertarian Paul wins young minds” gives us ...

Bloody kansas

This week I stumbled across an astounding blooper in a column by the usually informative Bob Novak about the "€œAbortion War's Newest Front."€ Novak was discussing a Kansas ...

A Tale of Two Normans: Podhoretz and Finklestein

For years Norman Podhoretz has been looking frenetically over his right shoulder, e.g., denouncing Taftites and representatives of the pre-neocon Right, a practice going back to ...

A Providential War?

As the government of Turkey weighs whether to invade the single prosperous, relatively orderly part of Iraq—Kurdistan—one’s natural, Christian impulse is to pray ...

The Silence of Father Neuhaus

Father Neuhaus is one of the leading and most elegant voices against abortion in public life. The Roe vs. Wade decision was pivotal in his transformation from a liberal to a ...

Ron Paul Rising

They scoffed at Ron Paul’s poll numbers—six months before a single vote was cast. Now he’s at 7.4 percent [.pdf file] in the latest New Hampshire poll. ...

Don”€™t Get Too Comfortable …

Irans says it’s safe from US attack—but if I were them, I wouldn’t count on it ... “In the scenario concocted by Cheney’s strategists, ...

Pat on Rudy

Pat on Rudy: ”A McGovernite in 1972, he boasted in the campaign of 1993 that he would ‘rekindle the Rockefeller, Javits, Lefkowitz tradition’ of New ...

The Huckabee Horror

John Fund cites Phyllis Schlafly on the Huckabee Horror: “‘Phyllis Schlafly, president of the national Eagle Forum, is even more blunt. ‘He destroyed the ...

An Endorsement I”€™d Like to See

I see that, at one point, the Mafia considered doing a hit on Rudy Giuliani—they couldn’t stand the competition. We’re told that when the Grand Council of Mafia ...

Whittaker Chambers Versus Ayn Rand

Leave it to National Review to post Whittaker Chambers ignorant tirade directed at Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged on the 50th anniversary of the book's publication. The accompanying ...

Zimbabwe Hits Bottom

Robert Mugabe hates black people more than the most technical architects of apartheid ever could and he's never been shy about demonstrating it. From 1982-1985, he waged a full ...

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