Mopping up the Israel Lobby

What makes this lobby especially obnoxious, and this is the one valuable series of revelations in the book, is not only its money and power. It is also the lobby's arrogance and ...

Wiping That Smirk Off Their Faces

Media coverage like this is fast wiping that smirk off their faces: <object width=“425” height=“355”><param name=“movie” ...

Who Is “€˜John Doe #7?”€™: Giuliani, Kerik, and the Selling of America’s National Security

The idea that the indictment of Bernie Kerik on 14 counts of fraud, tax evasion, and influence-peddling is "€œold news"€ "€“ which is how Team Giuliani is somewhat ...

Smearing Scheuer

If you want to see the true heart and soul of the neoconservative style, go on over to Commentary—where else?—and direct your attention to one Gabriel Schoenfeld, ...

The 9/11 Atrocity and Pearl Harbor

There is a Washington insider named Michael Gerson who wrote speeches for the Cheney White House and who supposedly was Bush Jr’s favorite speechwriter. He now writes for ...

Rev. Robertson Sells His Soul

Despite the televangelist being increasingly marginalized and ridiculed, Robertson's endorsement of Giuliani did make a splash. The media played up Robertson's well known ...

To Hell With GOPUSA

I am writing this blog for two reasons, first, to second the webmaster's exhortation to our readers to shower Ron Paul with additional campaign funding (I am now doing my part); ...

Let’s Sit Out World War IV

The ultimate outcome of Islam's civilizational wars has already been determined. Radical Islam is not a viable paradigm upon which a modern society can be built. It is destined, ...

Two Oversights

Being always ready to note my oversights as a columnist but not the kind of alleged faults that I felt obliged to respond to earlier today, I would like to express my regrets for ...

A Response to John Ross

John Ross, in his labyrinthine commentary on Ron Paul and his neo-hippy (or is it neo-Bolshevik followers?), introduces himself as a "€œKirkian"€ and a "€œBurkean,"€ and ...

The Ron Paul Revolution

It would have been beyond belief just six months ago. I speak, of course, of the Ron Paul Revolution"€”and for purposes of this piece, I shall refer to it as exactly that, for ...

Theosis in White Harlem

We grow to resemble what we worship. Beware the man or woman who does not honor a Creator or Redeemer, but bows down before the Accuser, whose Hebrew name is Satan. Satan in the ...

The Billionaires

Unlike Taki, I understand the fascination with the very rich. For the first time in 2007, all of the Forbes 400 richest persons in America are not just rich, but are billionaires ...

All Soul’s Day

From where I am writing, I can, by turning a little, see the complete set of Bossuet's books stacked up on the shelves familiar to me, and I have on this table, the Histoire des ...

Francis Fukuyama, Then and Now

Another one of those important books which I have failed to read is Professor Francis Fukuyama’s End of History, and the Last Man, published in 1992, on the heels of the ...

The Failure of Democracy in Africa

The ongoing violence in Iraq has caused observers to reflect on the challenges of bringing democracy to tribal societies. Before the Iraq War was launched in 2003, the Bush ...

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