A Revealing Rally

                    A Revealing Rally On Saturday November 10, on a visit to my wife's friends in South ...


Greece was not green like I had expected from Renaissance poetry about Arcadia. Delphi and Athens were a bust. Stones and tourists in the searing summer heat. So it was off to the ...

Patriots, Not Haters

The "patriotism" of the left is suspiciously like that of the neocons, despising the grubby reality of these all too real United States and their grotesquely imperfect population ...

Anti-Ron Paul Spam Hits the Internet

The first phase of the smear campaign against Ron Paul was all about “spamming”—sending unsolicited email with pro-Paul messages. This was and is a lot of ...

Ron Paul: Don”€™t Take Him For Granted

Some Democrats, as I said here, are baffled that Ron Paul is such a successful politician, what with no pork-barrel appeal and his refusal to kowtow to the intellectual and party ...

The Ron Paul “€˜Enigma”€™

I love this quote from a McClatchy News Service piece on Ron Paul: “‘He’s definitely an enigma,’ said Allen Cumbie, the head of the Democratic Party in ...

Ron Paul Won”€™t Dance With the Smear Bund

Continuing my discussion of the howling coming from the neocon-leftist anti-Paul Popular Front, demanding that he return a $500 contribution from a politically incorrect source, ...

Rudy Giuliani”€”Chickenhawk!

Asked by Rolling Stone what he thought of Benito Giuliani’s role as the “warmonger-in-chief” of the GOP presidential pack, Ron Paul replied: “Since ...

Give the Money Back? Hell No!

The Smear Bund is busy, what with the Ron Paul campaign and all. I’ve covered the controversy here, but there’s more to say. The brouhaha is over the fact that the ...

Primal Moments

All boys dream of acts of heroic violence. By the age of seven or eight they have saved their mothers from countless imaginary villains, and as they get older they save other even ...

The “€œImpossibility”€ of George W. Bush

Rest assured that the subject matter of Pearl Harbor and 9/11 will be revisited in the near future, with some further comparisons, parallels and speculation. For the moment, allow ...

Frum’s Mishagas

Although Sid Cundiff in a recent blog praises me as someone who recognizes "€œshades of grey,"€ I may be losing that capacity when it comes to certain neoconservative ...

The Origins of the Pod People

I have been slogging through Podhoretz's new manifesto, World War IV: The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism. It's true that each new great eruption by Podhoretz adds nothing new ...

Google to the Thought Police: “€˜Bug Off!”€™

Meir Brand , the head of Google Israel, explains to a conference on “cyber-hate” why Google isn’t going to censor “hate speech”: “At Google, we ...

Marching Through Georgia

As the President of “pro-Western” Georgia shuts down the non-governmental media, jails his political opponents, accuses anyone who dissents of being part of a ...

And the Drumbeat Goes On …

The drumbeat for going easy on the two AIPAC lobbyists caught committing espionage on behalf of A Certain Country gets louder as the trial date—January 14—approaches. ...

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