Adolescence: A Heresy

For about the last 150 years, American parents have infantilized teenagers by refusing to let them make decisions. As is usual when society turns in the wrong direction, it ...

The Ron Paul Revolution Hits Sproul Plaza

I just returned from a Ron Paul for President rally at the University of California at Berkeley, and I have to tell you that it was quite an experience. Here we were in Sproul ...

The Real St. Nicholas

One legend of St. Nicholas tells that three young boys had been killed by a local maniac in Myra, and their bodies preserved in a pickle barrel. The bishop opened the barrel, ...

A Nation of Anti-Semites? Fech!

Recently I encountered a revelation in the New York Post that may startle my readers as much it did me. I discovered in a featured story "€œU.S. Jew Haters,"€ that a poll ...

New Ron Paul Money Bomb

Ron Paul’s supporters forced the media to pay attention with their (okay, OUR) Nov. 5 “money bomb,” if only because it broke fundraising records. The credibility ...

Annapolis Afterthought

Everybody is going through the motions again as part of the ongoing charade known as the Middle East “peace process”, now in its latest incarnation at the Annapolis ...

An Open Letter to Rudolph Giuliani

Most pro-choicers agree that it's wrong to kill infants. But they have no objective basis for thinking so. The arguments in favor of abortion are unable to stave off the ...

The Real Rudy

The Real Rudy In his New York Times column (November 23, 2007), "€œconservative"€ commentator David Brooks complains that his favorite political figure has gone over to the ...


It is a quiet, country road going uphill. I had a beer for breakfast in the train station at the foot of the hill. I’m on the road to Vierzehnheiligen. The professor of ...

New Russian Roulette

In the 1930s even some of the older and more intellectual Russians, including those who had seen a bit of the world in their youth, believed that the United States was the land of ...

Wooster Si, Murdoch No!

As we watch Gordon Brown prepare to follow Tony Blair's path into the sands of Levantine catastrophe, I am led to reflect on Blair's lasting legacy for Britain. To be sure, there ...

Islamo-Foosball Awareness Week

Although I admit to having given my vote last fall to Rick Santorum in his unsuccessful campaign to hold on to his U.S. Senate seat, I have been appalled by his recent harping on ...

Was It The Oil, All Along?

Take note of a compelling article in the London Review of Books late last month by Jim Holt entitled “It’s the Oil, Stupid”. I did plan to comment upon it and ...

Looking for Extremists

At long last the ADL has pinpointed Ron Paul's "€œextremist"€ associations. According to ADL's assistant director of civil rights Steve Freeman, Dr. Paul's campaign was ...

Meditations on Hatred

The U.S. Congress just passed the latest example of hate crime legislation, the Matthew Shepard Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. These laws have become very ...

The Death of Literature

We get a lot of press releases at Chronicles, and most of them simply go in the electronic equivalent of the round file.  Once in a while, however, they’re at least ...

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