Alan Keyes”€”Crazy or Nuts?

Is Alan Keyes crazy? On drugs? Both? He just interrupted the moderator in the Iowa debate and demanded to be allowed to address a question that had been addressed to Ron ...

Ron Paul: Dissent in the Land of the Neocons

The last remnants of authentic conservatism over at National Review are struggling mightily against the Neocon takeover of that time-honored institution: when the Frumkin ...

The Spies Who Came In Under The Radar

The AIPAC spy trial has been delayed once again. It was supposed to start on January 16: the new trial date is April 29. I’ve been covering this story since it first ...

Allah the Unbound

Muslims believe that Allah's hand is unfettered"€”he can do anything. The Qur"€™an explicitly refutes the Judeo-Christian view of God as a God of reason when it says: "€œThe ...

Bad News: We”€™re Still at Peace

For most sensible people, the latest National Intelligence Estimate contained a great deal of good news. Iran seems to have shut down its nuclear weapons program in 2003 due to ...

Even more loose ends

It seems that I may have to use my rights as a senior blogger to respond to some of the critics of my recently posted remarks on RP. The aforesaid commentary was written several ...

Ron Paul: It’s Payback Time

Although he is identified as a libertarian, anti-war candidate, Paul's appeal is to the Old Right as well. He is a devout Lutheran who opposes abortion and is critical of the ...

Let’s Get Tolerant

A feature article in the Sunday Washington Post (December 9, 2007) by Villanova Associate Professor of History, Robert Maranto, reached me through the kindness of a young ...

Chained to a Corpse: John Howard and George Bush

Thanks to his tin ear on Iraq, Mr. Howard"€”a thoroughly competent and genuinely conservative public servant"€”has been forced into early retirement, and he's not alone. ...

The President’s Mistress

I’m watching Tim Russert rip Rudy apart on “Meet the Press”: during the course of an exchange over why Hizzoner’s then-girlfriend was getting police ...

The Addams Family Chapel

If the Immaculate Conception is all about the liberation from death and decay, no one told that to the Capuchin friars of the parish in Rome named for this feast, Santa Maria ...

Dying Hyenas in Regent’s Park

A pair of Siamese twins in formaldehyde, provided the liquid was a shocking pink and the infants were joined together in some particularly disturbing manner, would have made for a ...

World War III on Hold

“Nothing can come of nothing” Shakespeare’s King Lear said, and it would appear that this truism has finally been recognized by the individuals who put together ...

Who’s Corrupt?

In what may well be the most self-serving neocon column ever published in the New York Post, LA Times guest columnist Tim Rutten has today attacked CNN as the "€œcorrupt news ...

The Ron Paul Revolution

In the last century, right-wing types had a simple way of describing patriotic congressional representatives like Ron Paul, who championed limited federal government, believed in ...

He’s Baaaaaaaaaaaaack!

He’s baaaaaaaaaaaaack!: “Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has offered Wolfowitz, a prime architect of the Iraq War, a position as chairman of the International ...

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