The NIE Revisited

For the Cheney-Bush White House, the recent NIE concerning Iran’s nuclear capability was a bombshell. Its significance was recognized immediately by all interested parties. ...

Bill Donohue Is Right About the Huckster

I understand the, uh, over-sensitiveness of Christians when they believe they are being forced to take their Christianity out of “the public square,” as my good friend ...

Huckabee: The New Huey Long

A tax-and-spend liberal like Huckabee has as little chance of uniting the Right as the untrustworthy Romney and socially liberal Giuliani. Ron Paul, on the other hand, already ...

“€œWrapped in the Flag, Carrying a Cross”€

Finally, Ron Paul is acting like a contender—attacking the other candidates: <object width=“425” height=“355”><param ...

Submitting Cheerfully

Last week one got to watch and hear various face-saving gestures by Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, who was discovered to have taken politically incorrect ...

Sell Your Souls to Save Your Skins

Giuliani discovered that conservative voters are less principled than liberals, more willing to trade off what they hold sacred so as to save their skins. Too many Americans who ...

Neocons to Ron Paul: Drop Out

Jim Geraghty, writing in National Review, has some advice for Ron Paul: “In a perfect world, I’d like to see Ron Paul say, ‘My campaign has never been about ...

Jonah Goldberg Takes on Ron Paul

Jonah Goldberg's critique of the Paul campaign "€“ published in the dead-tree version of National Review -- is surprisingly respectful, but, alas, he gets several things wrong: ...

Christmas on the West Bank

If family members have been broadly hinting that it's "€œsomeone else's turn"€ to host the holiday, I suggest you leap to your feet this year and volunteer. That"€™ll get ...

National Cliff Notes

Last year, I noted that National Review had pretended not to notice Pat Buchanan’s bestselling book State of Emergency. Back then, National Review was at least pretending to ...

The Broken Compass

Somehow, one doubts that either the USCCB or Hollywood studios would have taken such a benign view of a film whose villainous organization were named "€œThe Synagogue,"€ ...

The Robinson Jeffers-Charles Bukowski Connection

It must have been via one of Charles Bukowski’s many interviews that I got a lead to Robinson Jeffers of Carmel-Big Sur, California. Jeffers was not a figure I had ...

All Hail Alaska!

Look who’s leading in Alaska! The state’s caucus is held in early February. Perhaps by then the Huckabee bubble—or is that boil?—should have ...

Most Memorable Moment of the Iowa GOP Debate

The highlight of the Iowa GOP debate: when Keyes ranted about “hot air” coming out of the mouths of politicians, and Paul quipped “Doctor, heal ...

The Huckabee Horror Continues

I’m looking at the Huckster saying that people who are wealthy and those who just happened to be dirt poor should get the same health care. So, if he’s nominated, will ...

Rudy Rattled

I’m watching the Iowa GOP debate, and they’re showing videos: Rudy’s asked how he gets information, and he mentions his infamous call-in radio show. A mistake ...

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