“€œUnder the Black Flag”€

As the executive editor of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture, it is my honor to welcome our latest monthly columnist, a man who is already familiar to the readers of ...

America: An Empire?

Is America an empire? Are empires always evil? Are Americans suited to the job of creating a empire--evil or otherwise? First, it's essential to examine the notion of Empire ...

Fire Virginia Heffernan

Check out the collapse of the latest attempt to smear the principled, honorable, and honest Ron Paul—the only conservative in the presidential race. Kudos to Justin Raimondo ...

Endstation Moscow

The terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 mark a very significant turning point in American history. The attacks took place near the beginning of a new American presidency, ...

You think a Mormon Candidate Has Troubles?

John Adams wrote, in a secret note penned at the time of the American founding, that, "Freedom requires Cthulhu Worship, just as Cthulhu Worship requires freedom. Iä! Iä! ...

Son of Ron

Ron Paul is a family man—and his numerous progeny are out there campaigning. Here’s his son, Rand Paul, speaking at Fanueil Hall, in Boston: <object ...

Bill White: Sociopath

I have long felt at a loss to do justice to how completely the Ron Paul revolution has blunted the force of the far-Left (and far-Right) I once knew. But fate has now intervened. ...

Ralph Waldo and the Word

One hundred thirty five years ago, on Christmas Day, an aged and ailing Ralph Waldo Emerson disembarked at Alexandria, the cradle of Hellenistic Christendom, whence the Holy ...

Christmas in Diyala, the War Party’s “€˜Model”€™ Province

Christmas in Iraq—here‘s what it’s like: “A suicide truck bomb killed at least 20 people and wounded 80 in the northern Iraqi city of Baiji on Tuesday, ...

They Can”€™t Even Wait.

They Can"€™t Even Wait! Although I consider myself second to none in loathing the Democratic Party, as an ingathering of bureaucratic parasites and self-described victim groups ...

The Burning Babe

To celebrate this holy day, we are posting two meditations on the Incarnation by the Jesuit poet and martyr Robert Southwell. Blessings upon all our readers in this Christmas ...

The Smear Bund Never Rests

The Smear Bund never rests—not even on Christmas. Especially not on Christmas. And they’ve been really active lately, what with Ron Paul gaining in the polls and in ...

The Empty Manger

The God we Christians adore climbed down from the pillar of fire, emerged from the burning bush, to walk among us. He didn"€™t, like Zeus, impersonate a swan or bull, or like ...

Christmas in Palestine

An Israeli soldier tackles a Palestinian protester dressed as Santa Claus or Father Christmas during at a protest against Israel’s separation barrier in the village of Umm ...

Learning to Love the French

The neocon-led Frenzy of hatred against the French has deep roots in the worst, most profoundly leftist aspects of American culture. Here's one Franco-American who'd like to yank ...

Romney and the Rockefellers

When Tim Russert asked Mitt Romney about the Mormon Church's politically incorrect record on race, a teary eyed Romney urged that we should look at the actions of his father, ...

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