Another Sniper in this Ivory Tower

Some of you may remember my periodic incursions into this delightful online magazine—mostly in the forms of excerpts from my books about the Christian liturgical year, ...

Paul Pulverizes Giuliani

The Ron Paul campaign has faced its first test in Iowa. Score: B-minus. The hope was that he could break out with 15 percent, but 10 percent ain’t bad. What’s ...

Iowa Buys Organic

Last night's caucuses presented some attractive storylines: In one case, an unknown governor from a small southern state, outspent 15:1, soundly defeated the well-heeled and ...

Bungle in the Jungle

AFRICOM, the new Dept. of Defense initiative for that continent, represents a God-sent opportunity for both our major political parties to find new worlds to conquer. The GOP, ...

Farewell, Dear Readers!

Dear Readers, It has been my pleasure to serve as managing editor of Taki’s Top Drawer since its early planning stages in December, 2006, and its birth online in February ...

Right Face!

Facebook hosts fan clubs for such traditional thinkers as Ludwig von Mises, Robert A. Taft, Russell Kirk, Michael Oakeshott, Murray Rothbard, Walker Percy, Wendell Berry, Joe ...

A Heartbreaking Event of Staggering Importance [Histrionics over Bhutto]

As we entered the fifth day of 24/7 Benazir Bhutto coverage on cable news, it started to dawn on me that the MSM imagined that they were reporting on some kind of grand tragedy ...

The Sack of Annapolis

Rightly or wrongly, we will be held responsible for the outcome in Palestine and for the ultimate fate of the Palestinians. In a real sense, we will be paying for it. Actually, we ...

My Gentle Readers

Sid is correct to call attention to the often dishonest application of "€œright"€ and "€œleft"€ categories in describing an American political situation in which ...

Bloomberg: Hope for America

Kudos to Justin for giving us the heads-up about the potential Bloomberg acquisition of the bankrupt enterprise called the U.S.A. However, given the prospect that the race might ...

The Pope’s Kitchen Cabinet

It is pointless to be obsessed with foreign policy or domestic politics when it is the whole culture that is sick, sick unto death, our own death and the death of the world, and ...

Have I Turned Against Ron Paul?

I’ll bet some of you read my blog post criticizing (gasp!) Ron Paul for this ad: <object width=“425” height=“355”><param ...

The Bloomberg Is Off the Rose

Over at, the heroic Glenn Greenwald has the goods on the Bloomberg-for-President hot air balloon, which is now being pumped up by all kinds of “centrist” ...

Why the Right Moves Left

A frequent respondent of mine, Adriana, wrote as a comment on my most recent blog that Democrats can afford to publicize their "€œplatform."€ Republicans, by contrast, cannot ...

Unclear on the Concept of Ron Paul

In a piece entitled “5 Moments That Changed the GOP Race,” Reid Wilson, of, describes number 5: “Ron Paul raises $4 million and $6 ...

Just Asking …

Rudy Giuliani’s poll numbers have been plunging ever since David “The Commissar” Frum and a platoon of neocons joined his campaign as top advisors—is this ...

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