Goodbye to Politics

Well, then. Now we know. It’s nice to know what percentage of my fellow citizens of New Hampshire actually value peace and freedom: Around 10%.  That may be the same ...

The Real American Right: Part II

Members of the Old Right like Murray Rothbard were "€œapostles of discord"€ because they challenged and opposed all those Good Things that non "€“"€œextremists"€ ...

Cracking The Ron Paul Code

Yesterday on "€œTucker,"€ Jamie Kirchick told the world what we in the right-wing extremist community have known for years: first, Ron Paul is a neo-Nazi-confederate ...

Kirchick Warns of Neo-Nazi-Confederate-Homophobic Menace!

While watching MSNBC's "€œTucker"€ yesterday afternoon, I began to cringe the moment I heard that a one Jamie Kirchick would be appearing on the program; when it was ...

A Sober Assessment of Our Prospects for Leadership

On the day of the New Hampshire primary, a quick run down of the remaining candidates in the race, in order of their performance in the Iowa Caucus, according to pop culture ...

The Real American Right: Part I

I had grown up a conservative, weaned on National Review, the "€œfusionism"€ of Frank Meyer, and the bedrock constitutionalism of Barry Goldwater... As far as I was ...

The Missing Links…

My last article “The Sack of Annapolis” generated a minor firestorm from respondents. In some instances, the comments—by now over 70—were more interesting ...

A Huckabeean Foreign Policy

For the first nine months of his presidential campaign, Mike Huckabee was a quaint afterthought, best known for giving considered answers to moral hypotheticals on the cable-news ...

Paul-blogging (II)

Shmuel Rosner, writing in Ha’aretz, is skeptical of Ron Paul’s position on Israel—no aid—and furthermore avers: “Much has already been written about ...

Paul-blogging (I)

The exclusion of Ron Paul by Fox News has created what can only be called an anti-Fox backlash: as a direct result of Fox’s high-handed methods, Ron’s been invited ...

A Yankee Hat = A Punch in the Face

Last Thursday’s Iowa caucus shook up both parties. I won"€™t try to suss out what's happening among the Democrats "€”except to note that the only candidates opposed to ...

Libertarians in Heaven

Antonio Rosmini (1797-1855), a truly great and greatly neglected philosopher of liberty, was not only a theist, a Catholic, a priest, indeed, the founder of religious orders for ...

Ron Rises, Fox Fumes

The latest Rasmussen poll shows McCain at 31, Romney at 26, with Ron Paul rising to third place: 14 percent. The Huckster is stuck at 11, Benito is hung upside down by his heels ...

Ron Paul for Commander-in-Chief!

The War Party’s mantra—if you don’t support the war, the “surge,” the empire-builders’ agenda, then you’re not supporting the ...

Lies, Ignorance and “€œUseful Idiots”€…

We all let old newspapers pile up, don’t we? For my peace of mind, I hope so. At what point does this activity become compulsive behavior? A few days ago, on the last day of ...

Dr. No Goes Negative

The real Ron Paul breakthrough I’ve been waiting for is this news item in the Washington Post, which notes that Dr. No is now acting like a real candidate: that is, ...

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