Brain Science and Morality

In the NY Times, the always provocative Steven Pinker has an extended, very interesting analysis of the evolving science of evolutionary psychology. Or should I say ...

Say It Loud: Isolationist-Proud!

America's Founders were not ignorant xenophobes. They were erudite men with an intimate understanding of history, economics, and politics. Several of them, including Ben Franklin ...

In Defense of Jonah Goldberg

In a review of Jonah Goldberg’s recently published book, Liberal Fascism —the cover alone which caused a minor blogospheric dust-up in the months prior to ...

Defending the Israelis (Against AIPAC, the Lobby, and a Few Paleos)

Having read Patrick Foy's comments about Israel in his "€œSack of Annapolis,"€and having just spent the better part of a month living in the Holy Land, I feel compelled to ...

Banishing Nostalgia

How do you handle a romance between a Europhile Yankee (from New York CITY, no less) who pines for the Habsburgs and a patriotic sorority girl from Texas? Gingerly, with generous ...

A Marriage of Convenience

If the concerned readers of the New York Times are to be believed, a right-wing nut-job fascist, or else the likely author of the Ron Paul newsletters, has infiltrated the ...

On Bashing Nationalism

Several of the most interesting commenters on this site (okay, I’ll name them: Sid Cundiff, John Ball, and the enigmatic, exquisite “Adriana,” whom I imagine as ...

Postmodern, Not Hypermodern: Russell Kirk

Russell Kirk (1918-1994) is one of the most prominent, post-World War II, American conservative thinkers. Indeed, most histories of the American conservative movement begin in ...

War is Their Life

At first glance, it is a very encouraging sign for conservatives that the Giuliani campaign is now strapped for cash and on its last legs. During much of last year, we have been ...

“€œNo Enemies on the Right?”€ Reconsidered

In his latest blog, John Zmirak raised an interesting question while criticizing Ron Paul for not paying sufficient attention to the occasionally questionable contents of his ...

When Republicans Debate

FOXNews actually allowed Ron Paul to take part in last night’s debate, and his presence was even acknowledged by many of the candidates"€”if only as a foil to set off ...

No Enemies on the Right?

I spent today traveling and meeting with colleagues. A few of us who support Ron Paul had dispirited discussions of the good doctor’s performance in New Hampshire; one ...

Coming to Terms with Ron Paul’s Past

James Kirchick's putative exposé of Ron Paul "€“ in which the reader is led to conclude that the 10-term congressman is an "€œangry white male"€ and "€œfilled with ...

Are the Humanities Useful?

Stanley Fish is a strange bird. After spending most of his career wrecking the humanities programs at eminent schools like Duke—with results that are visible, in the form of ...

The Real American Right: Part III

Within the conservative movement of the time, such as it was, the main appeal was a visceral anti-Communism, which generally appeared in two varieties. The McCarthyite "€œenemy ...

He’s Not Dead! … He’s Only Resting

In the bizarre world where Hugh Hewitt and Mitt Romney reside, successfully executing an early-state strategy matters only when your main opposition is supposed to be someone ...

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