Ron Paul versus the PC Brigade: A Strange Silence From the Beltway Boys

No response to my TTD piece so far from Jamie Kirchick, author of The New Republic‘s failed attempt to smear Ron Paul, but one of his “libertarian” enablers at ...

Today’s Holiday

Today we remember a great man who died to uphold universal, timeless values. I mean, of course, King Louis XVI"€”murdered at the hands of ultranationalist Jacobins (no, I ...

Civil Rights and Wrongs

In response to criticism over racially incendiary comments in his old newsletters, Ron Paul told Reason, "€œMartin Luther King is one of my heroes because he believed in ...

Romney’s Globalist Protectionism

There is a developing conventional wisdom that Mitt Romney primarily appeals to and represents "€œeconomic conservatives"€ within the Republican coalition, a view that has ...

Battle Flag No, Festivus Yes!

My old friend Rod Dreher recently opined on that it was inappropriate for Gov. Huckabee to claim he was defending the Confederate flag—in an attempt to outflank ...

Varieties of the Gersonian Experience

A new column by Michael Gerson is best read aloud with an old recording of "€œWe Are The World, We Are the Children"€ playing the background. If there ever was a cross ...

Who is Mike Huckabee?

The answer to this question seems to differ wildly depending on who is responding and when in the last year they have been giving the answer. There is a virtual consensus of ...

One Cheer for Hil

  News pundits have been exploring the political battle now raging between Hillary and Obama and their respective followings about who was most responsible for the civil ...

Why the Beltway Libertarians Are Trying to Smear Ron Paul

The hysteria that is energizing the campaign to smear Ron Paul and his supporters as "€œracist"€ is reaching a crescendo of viciousness, as the Beltway "€œlibertarian"€ ...

The VDare Monologues

So there we were, at the storied Elaine’s restaurant, Taki, R. Emmet Tyrell, Lewis Lapham, and several other luminaries… but I couldn’t help feeling (sorry, ...

Andrew Sullivan’s Gag Order

A few weeks ago, I chastised Mitt Romney for responding to Tim Russert's question about the past racial policies of the Mormon Church by highlighting his father's opposition to ...

Which Mitt Can Win?

Like many a corporate "€œrebranding"€ effort, Mitt Romney's political persona has gone through a series of remarkable transformations this past year: he began as a dynamic ...

Sean, You Suck!

Most of you probably know first-hand how outrageously biased Faux News has been towards the Ron Paul campaign. Beyond excluding him from one of the debates"€”but including ...

Takimag Infiltrates the Paul Campaign

Well, not exactly, but I am very happy to report that Daniel McCarthy has become the chief writer on the "€œThe Daily Dose,"€ the Ron Paul campaign's new official blog. ...

Paul-blogging (III)

Well, he beat Benito in Michigan—and the Second Coming of Reagan, too. Even the Los Angeles Times is forced to sit up and take notice. Even if the Paul campaign winds up ...

PC Ditto Heads

In November, I heard Robert F. Kennedy Jr. hold forth before a full auditorium at Kenyon College. RFK Jr. appears to rank second only to Al Gore in rabid environmentalist ...

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