Kristol Brings Them in Line

In his latest editorial in The Weekly Standard, Bill Kristol expressed a general satisfaction with the non-Ron Paul major Republican candidates"€”all seem just fine to him, ...

Stan Should Have Seen It Coming

Evans's defense of McCarthy, an ambitious book recently savaged in the reconstructed NR, typifies the kind of exercise that the veterans of the wars of the 1950s are inclined to ...

The AIPAC Spy Trial”€”Justice Delayed, And Likely Denied

While the AIPAC spy case may never make it to court—the defense, which is the best money can buy, has so far succeeded in delaying the trial for over two years—some ...

Times Looks to Post for Staff

With all the focus on the presidential primaries, very little attention has been given to some major changes at the Washington Times even within the narrow world of conservative ...

Blacklisted By NR

Nothing I have read in National Review during my over 30 years as a subscriber shocked and angered me more than Ron Radosh's nasty review of M. Stanton Evans's Blacklisted by ...

A Quick Note as I Flee U.S. Jurisdiction

As you read this, I will be shuffling through a series of planes, trains and automobiles from the glittering, patriotic sprawl of Dallas, Texas to the involuted warrens of ...

Beaverbrooking Away in His Lodge

in New Hampshire, Canadian National  National (and New York)  Post neocontent provider Mark Steyn has  distracted me from Bill Kristol’s New York Times debut ...

The Obama Cons

While reading Rod Dreher's recent essay on "€œPutting Faith in Obama,"€ I began to feel like I was watching the final two minutes of many a B-grade vampire flick. It's a ...

The Longest Mea Culpa

At a campaign event in Florida the other day, Rudy Giuliani was confronted with a gaggle of anti-abortion protesters, who shouted: “You need to go to ...

They Lied Us Into War

The Center for Public Integrity does a public service by documenting how they lied us into war in Iraq: “President George W. Bush and seven of his administration’s ...

Pope Banned from Speaking in Rome

When I read that a conspiracy of leftist students and secular professors who claim that they are still traumatized by the Galileo trial—what a pack of flaccids, no wonder ...

A Worthwhile Book

The newest book by Robert J. Stove, who has written for this website, A Student's Guide to Music History, is a compact study of great composers prepared for ISI Press. For those ...

Hating Ron Paul: Nazis Join the Anti-Paul Popular Front

According to The New Republic, and the Reason/Cato crowd, Ron Paul is a racist whose makes explicit appeals to white supremacist and anti-Semitic audiences through the use of ...

Mike Huckabee’s Social Democracy

Sensitized students on my campus have been complaining about Mike Huckabee's recent remarks on the topics of gay marriage and the Christian character of the Constitution. By way ...

Science and Statesmanship

When stripped of its rhetorical veils, Mrs. Clinton's position on the intersection of politics and science amounts to the claim that evolutionary science provides us with the ...

Slaughterhouse “€˜73

Today is the worst day of the year. And so it is, every year. Other grim occasions pass me by with much less collateral damage"€”the death-days of each of my parents, the ...

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