A New Roman Visits the Old

Arriving in Rome, I didn’t suffer from culture but sticker shock. Streets jammed with pedestrians menaced by whizzing cars and importuned by panhandlers, where dogs are more ...

The Galileo Myth

As the story goes, an obscurantist church, blinded by dogma, hounded and condemned Galileo because church officials could not square the idea that the Earth moved around the sun ...

Florida: Give It Back

In response to Ron Paul’s showing of 3 percent in Florida, one can only propose that we give the place back to its rightful owner: Spain. Pedro Menéndez de Avilés, ...

McCain: Getting the Candidate We Deserve

While driving on the Beltway the other day, I got behind a SUV with a rather fascinating collection of bumper stickers: "€œ9/11"‰ Iraq"€ and "€œWar is Not the ...

Arise Sweet Destiny: Go Ron!

"€œDr. Paul is the only candidate I know of who would have signed the Constitution of the United States had he been there.I"€™m with him because he seems to be the only ...

Of Wise Turks and Foolish Christians

In the last few months, it was common enough to see people invoking the apocryphal quote attributed to Martin Luther, “It is better to be ruled by a wise Turk than a foolish ...

Bush’s Greatest Hits of the “€˜00s (sold at bargain prices)

At many other points over the past seven years, a strong rebuke was in order when in a major televised speech, Bush uttered phrases like "€œadvancing liberty,"€ "€œgiven ...

Race, Nationalism, and Patriotism, Part I: Race

The furor raised over John Zmirak’s eminently sensible posts “The VDare Monologues” (84 comments, as I write this) and “Rejecting Racialism” (57 ...

Giuliani’s New Florida Ad

Today’s Florida primary is said to be make or break for Rudolph Giuliani. The question is how he does among his natural constituencies: * Can enough Cuban Republicans in ...

Inventing Islam

if Muslims really did make innovations in aerodynamics, astronomy, and other fields long before Europeans did, what happened then? Why were the Europeans the ones who made use of ...

Huckabee Puts Faith in President, Easter Eggs

“Just because you didn’t find every Easter egg doesn’t mean that it wasn’t planted.”  So said Mike Huckabee about the lack of WMDs in Iraq at ...

Rejecting Racialism

I must admit I was taken aback by the hostile reactions I received last week for offering an enthusiastic endorsement of the Web site VDare.com"€”albeit one in which I included ...

Heil Hillary?

There is nothing substantive linking Fascism to the "€œliberal"€ academics Goldberg goes after in his book. Indeed I would have trouble finding any link between these ...

From Here to Mendacity

Via Matt Yglesias, Paul Krugman’s got that right: “Even now, it's better for your reputation not to have noticed until, say, 2005 that we had some dangerous people ...

The Death of Music by the Spirit of Government Subsidies

Clearly something went horribly wrong with classical music in or shortly after 1945, something which left the old guard blissfully unaffected, yet which was almost bound to ...

A Candidate in Search of a Catastrophe

There once was a time when presidential candidate Rudolph Giuliani led the Republican field as "€œMr. 9/11"€"€”the symbol of America standing tall against terrorism. How ...

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