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McCain, the Human Volcano

Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.), on the prospect of John McCain occupying the White House: “The thought of his being president sends a cold chill down my spine. He is erratic. ...

We”€™ll Rally Around the Mitt, Boys, Rally Once Again

With McCain set to win in most of the states on Super Tuesday, there are desperate, rather vain, last-ditch efforts to either throw all anti-McCain support to Romney, embark on a ...

In Praise of the Writer’s Strike

As all the world knows, the Writers"€™ Guild of America is on strike against the studios and the networks. This television season is a wreck; next year's is apparently over ...

Ozymandias Airlines

Does one American in a thousand know that the Federal government is buying 23 VIP helicopters, each one of which will cost more than the extravagantly expensive F-22 fighter ...

Mitt’s Milestone Millstone / McCain’s Audacity of Jingoism

The most appalling thing to come out of the Florida primary this week was not John McCain’s victory over Mitt Romney. Instead, it came in the days immediately before the ...

Toxic Liberation

The swarm of controversy I’ve provoked by my remarks on racialism continues. My critics on the racialist “Right” continue to generate more heat than light, but ...

President McCain? Noooooo!

A quick glance at RCP poll averages for Super Tuesday makes it clear that we need to start girding ourselves for the contemplation of a prospect truly terrifying"€”President ...

“€œTranscending Race”€ is a Good Way to Get the Black Vote

On Jan. 28, Christopher Hitchens went through the litany of Bill and Hillary's long history of "€œrace baiting"€ in Slate. The extent of Hitchens's charges were that: "€¢ ...

Obama Bows and Scrapes

From one of my favorite liberal Democratic bloggers: “The most pathetic thing about Barack Obama’s efforts to bow and scrape for AIPAC are that the AIPAC crowd has ...

Jonah one More Time

Although I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Jonah praised my scholarship on NRO (Thursday, January 24, http:/liberalism.nationalreview. com/post/?) and that he considers me ...

Better to Blow Out One Candle than Curse the Light

While none of my blood is (sadly) Italian, my arrival in Rome was the closest experience to a homecoming I think I shall ever have. I expect that feelings will stir as I visit the ...

Live-blogging the GOP Debate

The opening shot on CNN saw Ron Paul getting friendly with Mitt Romney and John McCain, who gave his principal ideological opponent a patronizing pat on the back. Are Americans ...

He’s a Uniter, Not a Divider

Matt Yglesias has it right: “Whatever else happens in 2008, one thing that’s certain is that Rudy Giuliani won’t be elected president. That’s something ...

The Big Sleep

One wonders what John Zmirak will dream of as jet engines humming incandescently waft him through the Atlantic night on his first pilgrimage to Rome. In the aftermath of jet ...

The End, or Just the Beginning?

Andrew Sullivan avers that “a McCain nomination means one thing for sure. The era of legal, authorized torture in America is coming to a close.” So they’re going ...

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