How Clinton-Hating Dumbed Down the Right

Reflecting on the sorry state of conservative causes in America is a temptation to self-pity, resentment, and salty thoughts of conspiracy. Likewise, the burbling descent of ...

CPAC Submits Gracefully

In his "€œendorsement"€ of John McCain this afternoon, Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma promised the CPAC crowd that McCain "€œdoes not have a secret plan to grant amnesty."€ ...

The Joys of CPAC

There are many joys to be found at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference: the chance to buy a soviet-era ushanka emblazoned with "€œComrade Clinton"€ or perhaps ...

Submission Accomplished

Well, that was fun while it lasted. In essentials, the election is over now, a piece of yesterday’s news stale as the identity of the King of Rex, or the beer that was ...

The Beltway Right Declares War on Antiwar Conservatives

There are only four dependably anti-war Republicans in Congress: Ron Paul, Walter Jones, John Duncan, and Wayne Gilchrest. Paul has won 10 successive congressional elections and ...

Fight On!

There is much about last night's result that are dispiriting. Ron Paul had respectable showings in Alaska and Montana, and broke 15% in many of the contests; however, it's ...

The Customer is Always Wrong

What is lacking in Peter Gay's account of modern art is a serious effort (or any effort) to explain that maniacal anti-bourgeoisie hatred which Baudelaire and, especially, ...

Unto Dust Thou Wilt Return

Here’s a slightly seedy confession to start off Lent: The very notion of self-denial and penance has always left me cold, tempted me to follow the Protestant poet Milton, ...

A Matter of Degrees

“Climatic Zones” writes NASA’s James Hansen “have been shifting poleward for the past thirty years ... If this movement continues ... it will become the ...

Rage Against the McCain

The conservative base's anti-McCain revolt"€”emanating from Rush Limbaugh, Human Events, and the non-Ponnuru wing of NR"€”reached apotheosis, or self-parody, on Thursday as ...


A proud Spartiates, James Vourantonis, whose parents immigrated to the American Midwest in the 1940s, and who on this website praised another Greek, Taki, for defending in his ...

Serve Squirrel for Carnival

Efficiency has always run a distant second to fun among Catholics. During the Middle Ages, almost one-fourth of the days on the calendar could plausibly be taken as major feasts, ...

The Lies of Jamie Kirchick (Part MCLVIII)

Poor little Jamie Kirchick: it can’t be easy being a known lickspittle and liar. This Norman Podhoretz-wannabe is stamping his foot and having a real hissy fit over The ...

Bizarro McCain

Appropos my recent column on John McCain’s foreign policy views, and especially this piece in the current issue of The American Conservative, check out this ...

Oh, Those Brits!

Yes, there is dissent over at National Review, a few burning embers of the original faith are still smoldering, notably the sparks given off by John Derbyshire, and, also, another ...

Duck and Cover

Paleocon and Ron Paul supporter John Derbyshire on the likely outcome of the November election: "€œConservatives "€” to the ...

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