Is John McCain Really Pro-Life?

In his recent address to CPAC, John McCain told the audience that "€œI ...the steadfast defense of our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which I ...

Beau Geste

Listening to the talking heads on FOX at 6:45 PM on Wednesday night, I was struck by a conversation among Mort Kondracke, Bill Kristol and Mara Liasson, concerning a beau geste ...

McCain’s Convention Speech”€”A Draft

There are few career boosters like serving as a speech writer for a successful candidate. Look at how the likes of David Frum, Michael Gerson, Peggy Noonan and Pat Buchanan ...

A March to Nowhere

My piece in this morning’s edition of Taki’s Top Drawer on the premature demise of the Ron Paul campaign has already made waves, as I can see in the comments that are ...

A Revolution Betrayed?

The reality is that for Ron Paul to rule out a third-party run is a tragic error. Paul's presidential campaign galvanized so much energy and enthusiasm that, at times, it mimiced ...

A Left And A Right

National Review assistant Editor Robert VerBruggen has taken the Justice Department to task in The American Spectator, for firing off a brief in the matter of guns being banned ...

Is “€˜Change”€™ A Threat to Israel?

The boundless arrogance of the Lobby is a sight to see, but we don’t really get to view it in its full glory—except when they travel to Israel, where they can and do ...

The Right Way to Save Our Sovereignty

I’ve written here several times on the best way to convey the case for limiting immigration into the U.S., both illegal and legal. I’ve striven, perhaps imperfectly, ...

A Billion Here, A Billion There …

From today‘s Financial Times: “Speaking after the meeting of Group of Seven finance leaders, Peer Steinbrück, German finance minister, said the G7 now feared that ...

Have A Nice Day

In today’s financial news: “More than $6.7 trillion has been wiped from world stock markets since the beginning of the year amid concern that the U.S. slowdown would ...

Taking on the McCaniac

They’re already starting on John McCain, and not a moment too soon: <object width=“425” height=“373”><param name=“movie” ...

The Paris Hilton of the Beltway Pundits

When Andrew Sullivan jumped on the Ron Paul bandwagon, I didn’t mind all that much. After all, the more the merrier. It was all—supposedly—part of his sudden ...

Libertarianism, Orthodox and Otherwise

John Derbyshire wishes “Dr. Paul had gone deeper into” what he calls “the National Question,” and remarks: “It is true that he is a latecomer to the ...

Thanks, Mitt!

In the wake of Huckabee’s crushing success in Kansas, Mitt Romney may be questioning his willingness to suspend his campaign in the name of wartime solidarity. The great ...

Only a Revolution Will Do

Ron Paul is a potent force because his ideas have deep appeal. We all know, for example, that there is something horribly wrong with the way the federal government spends our ...

The Dream team

Despite my general agreement with Richard Spencer's invariably provocative political commentaries, I definitely do not share his view that McCain is "€œset to go down hard"€ ...

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