Bill Clinton: The Face of “€œPro-Choice”€ America

Last week I talked about how Clinton-hating dumbed down the Right. Well, good old Bill is doing his best to further that process again, by making himself so easy to hate—and ...

Putin Beyond the Propaganda

The United States"€™ recognition of Kosovo has been accompanied by some familiar attacks on Vladimir Putin. According to his critics, the Russian president seeks the ...

Rope Is The Anchor

Several readers responses to my last article demand that I engage them on turf of their choosing, ranging from the specifically doctrinal to the broadly metaphysical. The same ...

The Rise of Ron Paul Republicans

Two weeks ago Murray Sabrin announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate in New Jersey. Sabrin is a business professor at Ramapo College and a high profile fixture among right-wing ...

Kosovo on the Thames

The independence of Kosovo as a second Islamic state in the heart of Europe is now a fact. Serbia and Russia will continue to contest it, as they should, but their efforts will ...

The Bad Penny

Via John Derbyshire in National Review: a scenario that could turn the sternest paleocon into a raving ...

Saints Need Not Apply

From a profile of radio talk show host Brian Wilson, in the Toledo Blade: "€œ‘Barack Obama admitted to doing a little nose candy back in his youth,’ Mr. Wilson ...

The Revolution and the Right

Ron Paul missed many opportunities to attract Republican votes. The Congressman did not really articulate a foreign policy, as opposed to telling Americans that the war in Iraq ...

The Evil of Two Lessers

The NY Times’ Purple State blog offers a nice video retrospective on the Ron Paul candidacy, exploring his bipartisan appeal. Watching this makes me all the more ...

Gore In The Caribbee

The Law of Unexpected Consequences knows no national boundaries. Rural Mexican belts have come in a notch as tortilla prices rise in response to gasohol demand driving corn above ...

Romney’s Near-Conservative Experience

In a move befitting his cornball wholesomeness, Mitt Romney endorsed McCain on Valentine's Day, but he did at least refrain in this latest political makeover from declaring his ...

Nebulous Accusations of Racism are Bad! Proclaims James Kirchick

On the Commentary blog, our good friend James Kirchick warns of race baiting at the upcoming UN-sponsored "€œDurban II"€ conference. He also presents us with a broader ...

An Inconvenient Miracle

Earlier this week, I mentioned the latest attempt by Michael Gerson to demonize conservatives by reviving the "€œSocial Gospel,"€ a fuzzy pink mass of "€œidealism"€ ...

Anti-Establishment Huckabee

John McCain is the presumptive Republican nominee. There is only one minor problem"€”many activists and voters in the Republican Party don"€™t quite seem to believe it and ...

The Right’s Science Problem

As neoconservatism ascended, its regard for science slipped to the brink of open contempt, for it owed much of its political traction to social conservatives apt to dismiss ...

The VPs from Hell

While rumors of a "€œVice President Condi"€ are afloat, Philip Giraldi informs us that a deal might be in the works for a McCain-Lieberman nightmare: To turn himself into a ...

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