Who Got Huthorn ?

Karl Ernst Ritter von Baer, Edler von Huthorn was arguably the first proponent of what has recently been revived under the rubric of ‘intelligent design’.  Yet he ...

Grover Norquist vs. Walter Jones

Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, recently went down to North Carolina to campaign against Walter Jones. Jones is one of the strongest conservative leaders ...

Kosovo, Russia, and the Last Grasps of American Unipolarity

Kosovo is the latest irritant in what was already a deteriorating U.S.-Russia relationship. Disagreements over energy policy, Iran, a U.S. missile-defense system in central ...

Saying “€œNo”€ to Tenured Fascists

It has long been a source of puzzlement to observers of the American political scene that the American Left has been dominated by the intellectual influence of former Nazis, ...

What A Swell Planet It Is

In 1880, the myopic captain of one of America’s first polo teams was almost killed galloping headlong into his opposite number at the kamekazi start of a match in Dedham, ...

Be Careful What You Ask For

A busy week here in Rome. In one week, I’ve been privileged to venerate: the bones of St. Agnes, relics of the Passion (the True Cross, the scourging post, nails and Crown ...

The U.S. Constitution is Not Democratic”€”and Why That’s a Good Thing

Sanford Levinson is very upset. As he sees it in his new book, the United States' founding document is clearly lacking and needs to be updated for the 21st century. What are the ...

Ron Paul Update

When Ron Paul, in effect, announced the suspension of his presidential campaign after Super-Tuesday, many of his supporters—myself among them—were about as deflated as ...

Some Responses

Once again I feel impelled to respond to my critics, and particularly to those who criticize me as a "€œZionist,"€ and as someone who worships at the altar of America the ...

Obama Stumbles Upon Realism

Given the rather grim prospects for antiwar voters this election, it is understandable why many look to Obama and think that they have found someone they can trust. But this is a ...

The War Between Nostalgia and Utopia

What is the use of raising "€œdead"€ historical issues such as the rights or wrongs of World War I, or the virtues of Habsburg Austria as opposed to Woodrow Wilson’s ...

It Takes A Liberal

I see that John McCain has taken Grover Norquist‘s “no new taxes” pledge (that’s Grover in the photo on the left), but, as Ezra Klein points out in ...

Reclaiming the American Right

I am pleased to announce that a new edition of my 1993 book, Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative Movement, is due out in May from the ...

Barack’s Other Half

Barack Obama often seems caught between two worlds"€”between the "€œblack value-system"€ world of his pastor Jeremiah Wright and the universalist "€œone-America"€ ...

The Inside Scoop

How they intend to take the nomination away from Obama, without necessarily resorting to the “super-delegates”: I think Derb’s on to something. That ...

Wayne Gilchrest, the Conservative Movement, and Antiwar Republicans

The defeat of incumbent Rep Wayne Gilchrest at the hands of State Senator Andy Harris is a victory for the conservative movement. Harris defeated the liberal Republican Gilchrest ...

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