The New Takimag

Some other publications have characterized their founding as a "€œstanding athwart history yelling stop"€ or a taking part in the "€œsevere contest between intelligence, ...

McCain and the Protestant Ultramontanists

Sen. John McCain is facing questions about his close ties to Rev. John Hagee (pictured here with McCain, whom he has endorsed for President). Hagee is leader of the controversial ...

Springtime for Fascism

One of the stranger aspects of contemporary American "€œmainstream conservatism"€ is the obsession with "€œfascism,"€ a political philosophy one might have supposed was ...

Responses to my readers

What follows are a few brief responses to the often informative comments generated by my comments on the "€œNazi"€ Stauffenberg. Never would I deny that the opponents of the ...

The Rest Is Silence

Though I was later to appear on “Firing line,” write for his magazine,and find myself embroiled in his public diplomacy, my first meeting with Bill Buckley was by far ...

The Impresario

William F. Buckley Jr. (1925-2008) was many things, but centrally he was one of the great American journalists, whose historic achievement was the creation of National Review. ...

The End of An Era

With the passing of William F. Buckley I now feel officially old. Like thousands of modern conservatives, I grew up on Buckley. Each Sunday, I would make sure to be at home for ...

Foreign Follies

Leave it to John McCain to make Barack Obama appear to have the steady, sane foreign policy. With the Albanians’ declaration of independence in Kosovo, the retirement of ...

Rewriting History

Rewriting History Every now and then I am forced to retch with disgust as I read some choice slander in the neoconservative press. Such a reaction occurred recently while I was ...

Against Unselfishness

Taking a break from current events (1918"€”), I’d like to recommend a fascinating book that re-imagines economics. Self-consciously bold, the book rejects the utilitarian ...

William F. Buckley Jr.”€”R.I.P.

The death of William F. Buckley, Jr., is, for me at least, the closing of a chapter in my own history, both personal and ideological. Buckley, you see, was my childhood hero. ...

William F. Buckley Jr.”€”R.I.P.

The Associated Press is reporting that William F. Buckley has passed away in his home. He had been suffering with emphysema for years. Taki's Magazine has had its disagreements ...

The Revolution and the Republican Party

If the Paul movement can persevere and cohere"€”neither of which is certain"€”it can go beyond a cult of personality and be a beginning rather than an ending. The challenge ...

Theological Cannon Fodder

The latest report on religion in America helps explain why the U.S. Catholic bishops are so terrified at the notion of our country controlling its immigration—exercising its ...

Hillary Goes Down”€”and Takes Barack With Her

“Shame on you, Barack Obama!” Hillary Clinton has angrily declared in response to some hostile campaign mail on health care and NAFTA his campaign sent out against ...

Militarism and Conservatism: Can this Marriage be Saved?

Today it is almost axiomatic that conservatives are nationalistic, interventionist, and overly fond of answering political problems with police or military solutions. The power of ...

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