Mr. bin Laden, Meet Mr. Kennan”€”A New Containment Policy

    The unilateral declaration of independence by the Kosovo Albanian government on Feb. 17, followed closely by the Bush administration’s enthusiastic ...

Alas, WFB one More Time

My next to the last posting, which was an obituary on William F. Buckley, occasioned so many responses that I must disappoint those who thought I would never again say anything ...

Problems With Power, Part II

Elsewhere, I have taken exception to Samantha Power’s views on foreign policy in the context of what they might imply for an Obama administration in which she could play ...

Problems With Power, Part I

Following up on Richard’s critique of Samantha Power, I had a few thoughts on Power’s proposal that the United States ought to have intervened to halt the Armenian ...

Samantha Power and Paul Wolfowitz”€”Separated at Birth?

Justin's defense of Samantha Power demands a reply, and I"€™d like to demur from lamenting the departure of the Harvard prof and anti-genocide crusader fom the political scene. ...

Through A Glass Darkly

They dream strange academic dreams in far Northern Norway, where the Aurora Borealis can blaze until the Midnight Sun rises over a seat of learning equidistant from Rome and ...

My Country of Flickering Lights”€”Dispatches from the New South Africa

  Cape Town in December isn"€™t South Africa or even Africa. It resonates deeply with sophistication, void of boring locals. The restaurants are world class, accompanied by ...

Persecution Creeps Up on Christians

The role of Cassandra is classically a thankless one. Point to danger signs too early, and you’re dismissed as a nut. Wait until it’s obvious, and you’re too ...

Lobby? What Lobby?

Of course there’s no Israel Lobby, no need to fear it, and the very idea that the Lobby exercises a decisive influence on the American media is bigoted nonsense—or, ...

Mortify Your Masochism

My post last week opposing "€œunselfishness"€ as a modern, secular liberal perversion of Christian ethics provoked quite a bit of comment, on this site and others. One ...

Eurabia”€”The Conspiracy is True

Much like the dreaded North American Union, "€œEurabia"€ was one of those things the respectable media insisted again and again was but the figment of the racist, xenophobic ...

Ethnonationalism and its Discontents (Part II)

My earlier comments on the question of “Ethnonationalism” can be found here. Muller argues in one of his concluding paragraphs: "€Partition may thus be the most ...

Marvels and Missed Opportunities

The recent death of Bill Buckley brought forth the usual lies from the liberal-neocon establishment; and having devoted part of my latest book and a slew of irate commentaries to ...

What Would Machiavelli Do?

This past fall, I held an informal poll of the students at the first-rate liberal arts college where I’m privileged to teach, asking them to choose between two presidential ...

Ethnonationalism and its Discontents (Part I)

Jerry Muller's essay in Foreign Affairs on the enduring power of the rather redundantly named ethnic nationalism (or "€œethnonationalism"€ as he calls it) makes a number of ...

Do “€œRaghead”€ Christians Count?

Conditions in the new Iraq continue to get worse for that country’s dwindling Christian population. On Friday, February 29, 2008 terrorists kidnapped Paulos Faraj Rahho ...

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