Avoiding Temptation

Paul Gottfried reminds us that Obama was recently awash in the praise of Republicans who have now turned on him ferociously.  He also writes: There were of course critics of ...

Changing Course

Despite the reactions generated by recent revelations about the sermons of Obama's pastor, I see no reason to change my comments. The current Republican-neoconservative attacks on ...

Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Mammon

Will Western civilization survive the disappearance of Westerners? That’s what the secularized elites of the EU and the US are betting, and it’s the unacknowledged ...

Life Beyond the Party

The antiwar, pro-life Right--including Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, and others who've opposed the Iraq War--doesn"€™t fit the narrative that hawks and neocons have built over the ...

Vatican Threatens “€œMassive Retaliation”€

There was tension behind the scenes here in Rome throughout Holy Week, as Vatican security and Italian police tried to preempt a possible attack on Pope Benedict"€”and thousands ...

The Demarche Hare

Kim Jung-Il’s dictatorial taste in cinema, cuisine, and above all public sculpture remains deeply mysterious, witness the fusion of folk culture and socialist realism in the ...

Doing the PC Cringe

Did anyone else catch the unsettling comment made by Karl Rove on the O"€™Reilly show last night. When O"€™Reilly asked Bush's former grey eminence whether Obama had benefited ...

Whatever Happened to David Horowitz?

Whatever happened to David Horowitz—the ex-leftist -turned-neocon whose hysterical maunderings are practically emblematic of the species and who used to make quite a bit of ...

Taking Back the Constitution”€”A Case for Impeaching George W. Bush

On Saturday, March 8, 2008, President George W. Bush vetoed a congressional bill that would have explicitly banned interrogation techniques like waterboarding. In doing so, Bush ...

Midnight at Noon

This day, the most solemn in the Christian calendar, is an occasion to avoid any kind of frivolity or mirth. Which makes it a hard day for me to write about. The feast is ...

Revenge of the Mutterites

Revenge of the Mutterites Last week I spent five frenetic days at a conference on politics and religion held at Trinity Western University, outside of Vancouver, British ...

Ya”€™ll, Let’s Just Go on Home

It’s hard to know how to feel about the fact that Sen. Obama’s, er, “racialist” background has finally emerged above the waterline—suggesting that ...

Playing “€œChicken”€ to Win

It’s always dangerous to let your view of history get stuck in a single moment. For the neocons, it’s always September 1938, with a weak Hitler bluffing his way into ...

The Surge”€”Is It Soup Yet?

Is the Surge working"€”really? Sure, it's working fine, just like my sister's car. I had to drop her off at the garage where they were looking over her Ford Probe. It"€™d been ...

A Peaceful Palm Sunday

On Sunday, I spoke at an event organized by a coalition of peace groups marking the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. It’s the kind of event I like doing: no fuss, ...

Faith-Based Economy

It is fitting that one of the signal events of what will likely become the second Bush recession has been the Federal Reserve's propping up of the Wall Street firm Bear Stearns. ...

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