The SPLC Feels Your Hate

Recently, the Associated Press breathlessly proclaimed, "€œNumber Of Hate Groups Rising, Report Says,"€ parroting claims from the Montgomery, AL based Southern Poverty Law ...

The Morning Scene

You Got That Right—Matt Yglesias on the arrogance of the neocons: “The attitude of thoughtless, unreflective scorn that you see from the Pollacks and Kirchicks and ...

The Politics of Vodka

It has happened at last. The oh-so-clever marketers of Absolut have managed to create a political incident with one of their ads for their undistinguished liquor, giving me a ...

Is Abortion Racist?

Disclaimer:   This is the first in a series of pieces critical of certain types of arguments that many pro-life advocates make.  My concern is that they have negative ...

The New Hope (Same as the Old Hope)

In the candidacy of Barack Obama, one sees the history of the American Left writ small. Obama is an heir to the paternalist dynasty of the populists, progressives, New Deal, and ...

Responding to My Respondents

My last full-length essay on Taki evoked so many thoughtful comments, including essays by Daniel Larison and Richard Spencer (and a long opinion piece by Gerald Russello on the ...

“€œNever Again”€ Nation

Our view of what kind of nation we are is related to the question of “nationalism.” Are we a normal nation?  A “creedal” nation?  An ...

American Nation

My original plan for this post was to address the question of what “hubristic patriotism” is, but I will take a detour and address some of Dan’s points from his ...

Further Notes on Nationalism

In the comments thread of my nationalism and patriotism piece, Aaron Wolf raises an important question: what is the American nation? Does a conservative nationalism have to be ...

Abusing Patriotism

Dan has written a strong case against the criticisms of nationalism that I and others have leveled in recent weeks, and I have already responded to some of his points elsewhere, ...

Confessions of a Bitter Old Reactionary

Okay, okay, I admit it: I, too, am bitter. What else would one expect an Obama-con to be? I know we’re not supposed to be negative, at least according to Hillary, who ...

Nationalism is What We Need Now”€”The Case for an “€œUnpatriotic Conservatism”€

In most intellectual circles on the right, as well many in the center and on the left, it is fashionable to damn nationalism. Among conservatives, patriotism is held to be ...

Three Strategies for the Right

A few weeks ago Jim Antle and I went a few rounds on our personal blogs over Antle’s criticisms of Sen. James Webb here at Taki’s Magazine. Antle showed that Webb is ...

Is There Conservatism Beyond Christianity? (or how to book a mental vacation in Athens or Valhalla)

Christians on the right are used to witnessing attacks on their faith from atheistic leftists. Ever since the highly influential "€œcultural Marxists"€ of the Frankfurt ...

From the Rubble

When you’re rebuilding something from the rubble, it pays to listen to men who have experience doing just that. Men like Wilhelm Röpke,whose books helped construct a ...

Our Grassroots Brigades in Iraq

Once upon a time, there was a really troubling place known as Iraq that was fraught with inter-ethnic violence, tensions with a an occupying power, and some really bad kids called ...

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