What’s Going Right in Europe”€”How Localism Might Save the Continent

The most successful anti-immigration parties in Europe are regionalist/secessionist parties. They are "€œapolitical"€ because they do not particularly like politics. Their ...

Threat Deflation

In Leaderless Jihad, former Foreign Service Officer Marc Sageman, now a University of Pennsylvania professor,distills what he learned from years of reading the daily feed of ...

Margaret Sanger and the Eugenics Meme

Disclaimer: This is the second in a series of pieces critical of certain types of arguments that many pro-life advocates make.  My concern is that they have negative ...

Waiting for Agitprop

When the story broke a few weeks ago about the polygamous Fundamentalist Mormon "€œcompound"€ in Eldorado, Texas, from whence 416 children had been taken, I observed to my ...

Fads, Tradition, and Real Knowledge

One of the most distracting phenomena of modern times is a kind of “hyper skepticism.” For example, well known truths—that minorities commit more crime, that men ...

Bitch-Slapping Barack

As a son of a letter carrier, as someone who only got interested in politics because of the social issues—I was inspired by the heroic housewife Ellen McCormack, who ran for ...

Hot Links in the Morning

Why is this man smiling—or, rather, smirking? It took them some 23 years, but the FBI finally got around to arresting Ben-Ami Kadish, who stole US secrets for ...

The Limits of Lincoln Bashing

Between the warring camps vying for ownership of the true "€œAmerican conservatism,"€ a remarkable consensus has emerged around the status of Abraham Lincoln and his legacy. ...

What al Sweilem party it Is

In what may count as the first wine commercial starring a Wahabi mullah, Omar Al-Sweilem waxes lyrical on what awaits the suicide bombing classes on the first 72 of their 1001 ...

Nothing But the War

Sunday’s NY Times story talks about the divergences between one-time running mates (and popular vote winners) Al Gore and Joseph Lieberman. Noting that Lieberman has moved ...

Obama and His Respondents and a Long Aside

Obama's rivals may now be competing with him for the prize of uttering the stupidest remarks about the working stiffs in our state. Dee Dee Myers, who is a close personal friend ...

Europe’s Cassandra”€”Enoch Powell and “€œRivers of Blood”€

On April 20, 1968, on a Saturday afternoon, Enoch Powell delivered his "€œRivers of Blood"€ speech at the Midland Hotel in Birmingham. He went there fully aware that what he ...

Love Among the Bones

Some months ago I blogged lightheartedly about the "€œbone church"€ in Rome, whose crypt is entirely decorated with the disassembled skeletons of friars. But today I actually ...

Obama is Right

Obama has taken a beating from gleeful conservatives over his comments about bitter working class Pennsylvanians clinging to God and guns.  Today David Brooks says people ...

At This Ungodly Hour

What, in the name of all that’s holy, is anyone doing up at 5:28 am? At this ungodly hour, one can only be up to no good. Unless you’re over 50, like me, in which case ...

The Man Who Knew How Much (William Nordhaus and Doing Something or Nothing about Climate Change)

Prediction is famously difficult, as one wag put it, especially if it is about the future. So now that we've passed the five year mark in the Iraq adventure, who was in fact right ...

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