National Consciousness And Nationalism

I thank Dr. Gottfried for his response, and I appreciate the point that he and several commenters have made.  From the reaction to the last post, I see that I must not have ...

A Response to Dan Larison

Although I am second to none in my respect for Dan Larison as a political commentator, his remarks about nationalism and nation states are for the most part historically ...

Intervention Man”€”A Superhero for Kristol & Co.

If they"€™re any good, superhero movies speak to something larger than just kicking, flying, punching, and rescuing: Batman strikes a nerve as the vigilante, perhaps motivated ...

Where The Grapes Of Wrath Are Stored

In a very good column on Pope Benedict’s visit and the clashing theologies of the Pope and the President, Scott Richert made an important series of points related to the ...

Was MLK Really Pro-Life?

As Martin Luther King is now regarded as the nation's premiere secular saint, virtually every single cause tries to attach itself to his legacy. It is therefore not terribly ...

Fascist Statues, Calvados and Vicodin

I just flew in from Rome, and boy is my liver tired. Given the turbulence you get in trans-Atlantic flights"€”this was only my third flight from Europe"€”a high-strung ...

Attack of the Reasonoids

Ron Paul’s recently published book, The Revolution, is number one on Amazon and will debut on the New York Times bestseller list at number seven—good news, eh? Not to ...

The myths of Simon Blackburn

In the latest issue of the periodical formerly known as The Times Higher Education Supplement (it now calls itself simply “Times Higher Education”), the philosopher ...

On Lincoln-Bashing

As the Lincoln-basher in residence, I suppose I should say a few things about Grant Havers’ article on the subject.  Mr. Havers states at the beginning of his ...

Benedict on the Border”€”A Showdown over Church and Nation-State

With the visit of Pope Benedict to the U.S., American Catholics are faced with a grave confrontation between Church and State, a conflict between their supernatural faith and ...

Sanger Once Again

Having just fished in troubled waters, by jumping into Marcus Epstein's debate with his critics over Planned Parenthood and its agendas, I feel obliged to state my views in a more ...

The War on Drugs Has Its Advantages

Though not conservatives, libertarians nonetheless rely on selective portrayals of the past to support their fantasies about drug legalization.  They are particularly fond of ...

Rev. Wright is Right!: white people suck at rapping

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright was out and about this weekend and dropped a few more bombshells. It was a dream come true for the official conservative media, and they didn’t miss ...

After Paleoconservatism (II)

Almost two weeks, Dr. Gottfried wrote a helpful clarification of his earlier article about paleoconservatism, elaborating on some of the points I and others had challenged.  ...

Christenheit oder Europa?

Speaking of Romantics, Richard’s rejection of the definitions of “the West” offered by Robert Spencer and Jim Pinkerton reminds me of one of the great original ...

Declining “€œThe West”€

According to Paul Belien, "€œThe most successful anti-immigration parties in Europe are regionalist/secessionist parties."€ "€œThey are "€˜apolitical"€™ because they ...

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