Man of the Century

America is as overextended as the British Empire of 1939. We have commitments to fight on behalf of scores of nations that have nothing to do with out vital interests, commitments ...

Tenderness Leads to the Gas Chamber

Why are liberals so desperately attached to egalitarianism, of an extreme and entirely this-worldly variety? Why has it become an article of faith to which they cling against all ...

Racism, Ron Paul & Porn

The Ron Paul campaign, which crossed many ideological lines to draw together an inspiring coalition, was a great moment of hope for American politics. If all it did was to make a ...

The Judicial Shakedown

Last week, Wilson-appointee George authored the decision codifying homosexual marriage in California, finding for gays and lesbians (and perhaps unnamed others) a "€œfundamental ...

What’s So Scary About Evolution?”€”For Both Left and Right, a Lot

So much for the clear breezy uplands of history and science. Down in the rain forest of actual human society, Darwin has had a more mixed reception. Strict fundamentalists in all ...

Racialism As Pseudo-“€˜Science”€™

What prompted this whole discussion about race and alleged racial differences—Christopher Roach’s post here, and my response—was the presidential campaign of ...

Responding to Justin

Since Justin showed me the courtesy of responding to my objections to his statements about Hillary-voters in West Virginia, I am herewith returning the favor. Because of the ...

You Say You Want a Revolution?

John Quincy Adams, whose wise counsel about America going "€œnot abroad in search of monsters to destroy"€ is naturally quoted in Ron Paul's post-campaign manifesto, The ...

Mishima”€”Paleocon as Samurai

The final river of Yukio Mishima's life to swell from a stream into a rushing torrent was that of action, and it propelled him toward his fate. This was really, however, the river ...

I Confess I Don”€™t Understand Why Some Atheists Are So Angry

In response to my recent piece on science and religion, one of the commenters, GM, took me to task:  “you may want to consider and ask why atheists seem angry.  ...

Rise and Shine

How hated are the neocons?—When even sports writers are on your case, you know the peasants with pitchforks can’t be far behind. From a piece headlined “Are the ...

War of the Babies

What was the most important battle of the late 20th century? You could argue it was the one that took place on the southern border of Morocco on November 6, 1975. Of course, we're ...

Sometimes a Racist, Always a Slut

Should pro-lifers keep citing Margaret Sanger's scathingly racist statements, and her program of eugenics"€”which directly influenced Hitler, and led to laws in a dozen or so ...

Alcohol-Tobacco-Firearms: The Hunt For Red November

The road to the White House often intersects the path of rapidly moving projectiles.  Bravely volunteering to put themselves and their horses, naval vessels and airplanes ...

Come Home, Conservatives!”€”to the Antiwar Conservative Movement

The figures and organizations Kauffman profiles do not fit into the received version of American history, in which only "€œleftists"€ who "€œhate America"€ might object ...

Darwin, Alone, Is Not Enough

Ben Stein’s movie Expelled has generated lots of commentary, most of it negative.  Many have claimed that it is obscurantist and hostile to science, a veritable first ...

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