Authority Issues”€”Is There Sovereignty Beyond the State?

Society has managed rather well without slavery, an institution that at one time was taken for granted by nearly everyone, and which many Christian thinkers thought could be ...

The Myth of the Conservative Legal Movement

Steven Teles set out to write a book explaining how conservatives in the law achieved stature and success and transformed a profession that had become monolithically liberal. What ...

Sam’s Club Socialism

If most of the Beltway Right has given up on drowning government in a bathtub, few have been as bold as Douthat and Salam in arguing that the GOP should try to win elections by ...

The Real Reconquista”€”Mass Immigration and American Sovereignty

as Mexican immigration"€”most of it illegal"€”has continued at levels unprecedented in history and as illegal aliens have massed in the streets issuing demands to the American ...

Gay Marriage Sucks!

The recent decision by the California Supreme Court overturning a ban on gay marriage has, once again, thrust this issue into the malestrom of political debate, and, ...

Gipper Anxiety”€”The Struggle Over What Would Reagan Do

How did it come to pass that the "€œconservative"€ position on foreign policy involves proclaiming the virtue of revolutionary upheaval around the world, worrying that the ...

The New Meal”€”What We Eat & Who We Are

A few weeks ago I attended a meeting of Kansas secessionists. The participants were rowdy, complaining of economic gigantism squashing them flat and bureaucratic thugs hounding ...

The Diversity Recession

Uncovering the roots of the disastrous home mortgage bubble that popped last year will keep economic historians busy for decades. Yet, one factor has so far been largely ...

Patrick Buchanan and the Necessary Book

Neocons think in news cycles, the Vatican in centuries"€”and Patrick J. Buchanan? In the body of worthy, provocative books he has produced, his thought ranges over decades. ...

The Past Is Another Country”€”Counter-factual History and the Buchanan Controversy

counter-factual scenarios are very intriguing, history doesn"€™t flow in some linear fashion that leads from X to Y, and that assumes that if only we had taken this road as ...

Libertarianism’s Divergent Roads

The history of libertarianism as a doctrine and an organized political movement is of interest these days on account of all the attention garnered by Rep. Ron Paul, the Texas ...

Rear-View Mirror Conservatism

Rear-view Mirror Conservatism We look at the present through a rear-view mirror.  We march backwards into the future.           ...

Who Speaks for Europe? (on the PC defenders of the West)

What Bruce Bawer calls America's "€œoppressive Christian fundamentalism"€ is exactly what keeps America healthy (at least in comparison to the continent). If the situation in ...

Willing Executioners?”€”The Holocaust, Germans, and Collective Guilt

In the discussion of the Holocaust, the issue that has been consciously avoided by generations of historians and political scientist has been the degree to which the German people ...

Buchanan, Kennan, and the “€œGood War”€

It is not surprising that Pat Buchanan's new book, exploring the collapse of the British Empire and the connection of that disaster to England's involvement in two World Wars, ...

Rethinking 1948

Back in the late 1980s and 90s, Benny Morris was identified, some would say targeted, as the stormy petrel among Israeli historians. In tomes such as The Birth of the Palestinian ...

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