The Birth of a Notion”€”National “€œPurpose”€

Plutarch hoped that his readers could learn something of how to behave in seeing the wages of eminent men's (mis)behavior. American readers, however, seem to have adopted an ...

A Damn Foolish Thing

I"€™ve been reluctant to write about Israel's bombardment and invasion of Gaza this past two weeks for the simple reason that the ordeal has struck me as, to borrow a phrase ...

Dumb is the New Smart: The Perversions of American Education

Under the general topic of malevolence, wickedness, and evil, a vocabulary exists for self-imposed harm, for example, self-mutilation or self-abuse. But such words always denote ...

All That Glitters”€”A Financial History of the World

In The Pity of War, Niall Ferguson asked a penetrating question: What would have happened had Britain remained neutral during World War I? Agree with his answer"€”history would ...

Put Virtue on Your Visa”€”Why Did Christians Go on a No-Money-Down, High-Interest Shopping Spree?

People say that the best cure for a hangover is a hair of the dog that bit you. The people who say that are typically alcoholics. They"€™re using the logic of an addict, whose ...

Pink Xmas: The “€œWar on Christmas”€ in Europe

Be prepared for a homosexual parody of Christmas when you take a stroll through Amsterdam these days. The Dutch city, the self-declared "€œGay capital of the world,"€ is ...

Incoherent Empire: The Case for Getting Out of NATO

Another NATO conference, another example of geopolitical futility. At the alliance's recent ministerial meeting, the Europeans rebuffed Washington's push for speedy membership for ...

The Old Right and the Antichrist

The great American journalist H.L. Mencken made of his whole career a kind of one-man "€œrevolt against the masses"€ kamikaze mission. In the Menckenian imagination, the ...

Save American Industry, Dump the Big Three

The majority of the American people oppose bailing out the Bit Three automakers at a clip of 61 to 36, and it was thus perfectly sensible for Senate Republicans to reject the $14 ...

Baby Bust: The Demographics of Global Depression

Why is this recession different, and likely much worse, from all the recessions of the past? Imagine a Paleolithic village which has no children. When all the adults grow too old ...

Greek to Us: The Death of Classical Education and Its Consequences

On the evenings of October 10 and 11, 1999, the A&E cable network broadcast a list of "€œThe 100 Most Influential People of the Past 1000 Years,"€ selected by a "€œBlue ...

The Decline and Rise of the Alternative Right

For years I"€™ve belabored acquaintances with the observation by stating that the paleoconservatives who had spent their lives butting their heads against the American ...

Hear No Genes, See No Genes, Speak No Genes”€”the Jargon of “€œCulturalism”€

The following address was given to the H.L. Mencken Club’s Annual Meeting; November 21-23, 2008 My study at home in Long Island has bookshelves on all four walls. When I ...

The Resurrection of the Socialist Idea

When the Soviet Union's ramshackle empire imploded, and what Louis Bromfield called the "€œworldwide psychopathic cult"€ of Communism fell into an embarrassed quietude, it ...

Youth Movement

Can a different kind of conservative movement be built? Maybe. Pat Buchanan is one leader on the Right who clearly stands for a foreign policy, economics, and cultural vision very ...

George Kennan and the Discovery of Realism

The tradition of thought with which George Kennan (1904-2005) is most often identified is that of political realism. That tradition appears to most Americans to be rather foreign, ...

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