Acknowledging a Debt to the Voters in the Democratic Primary

If I could just say a belated thank you to the voters in the Democratic primaries over the last election cycle? Yes, I know, I’m as little enthused by President Obama as ...

The Obamanoid Constitution

It might have come as a relief for proponents of constitutional government, then, to see Bush return to Texas. It might have, but it didn"€™t. The electoral defeat of the ...

A Kinder, Gentler Totalitarianism

On February 18th 2009, Eric Holder, our first African American Attorney General gave a well-publicized speech in which he called Americans cowards for, among other things, ...


Chicago's most recent claim to singularity is its gift to the nation of Barack Hussein Obama. It seems surprising that no Chicagoan before him had seized the White House, given ...

How the Jews Got Their Smarts (and Other Adventures in Biohistory)

While computational geneticists live in a world dominated by bytes, The 10,000 Year Explosion synthesizes seemingly disparate fields so as to generate a narrative of more insight ...

The Super Judge

With the ascension of Barack Obama in Washington, the proponents of the International Criminal Court (ICC) are entertaining fresh hopes that the United States will ratify the 1998 ...

Has the Schiff Hit the Fan?

On January 25, 2009, the Schiff hit the fan when a popular and highly respected blogger, Mike Shedlock, took aim at rock-star financial guru Peter Schiff and his salient Peter ...

The Old California

The central insight of conservatism"€”that everything is always getting worse"€”is dramatically illustrated by the little hamlet I recently moved to: Rio Nido, California. ...

History, the Holocaust, and the Doctrines of the Church

Antifascist news sources from the New York Times to the Süddeutsche Zeitung to the Associated Press have been acting in unison of late decrying the Nazi occupation of the ...

Geert Wilders and the Dutch Republic

Geert Wilders"€™ courage, charisma, strength of character and intelligence are not in question"€”and he is obviously right to point out the danger posed by the recrudescence ...

I Saw Iceland Melt

The annoying thing about tear gas is that it doesn"€™t hit you all at once. They had used a smoke grenade before that and so you assumed it was just another one. You cough ...

The New New Deal

The "€œnew"€ New Deal recidivism reveals a sclerotic movement stuck in the past. The ubiquitous prefix "€œnew"€ stamped on any old program reflects the movement's horror ...

A Republican Realignment?

House Republicans have put up a united front in opposing Obama's stimulus package. Writes conservative columnist Robert Stacy McCain "€œMan, if all it took to get Republicans to ...

Money For Nothing

People who want to find out what Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke has in mind for the economy need to read some history. Bernanke declares himself a "€œGreat ...

The Patron Saint of White Guilt

Today the American media, politicians of all stripes, and public educators will invariably fall into rapturous tones describing the black leader whose birthday is then being ...

Is Social Conservatism Necessary?

The voices of conventional wisdom are telling us once again that the Right should reinvent itself, or rather return to its true principles, by abandoning the social issues. Dwight ...

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