State of Revolution

After our most recent Republican president took unprecedented liberties with the executive branch, and after the current Democratic president has promised central planning, some ...

On the Intelligence of Politics and Politicians

During dark days I’m convinced that those who set themselves up to rule over us are knaves and poltroons to a man and woman: on the good days I’m willing to admit that ...

Bells Are Ringing

There is an old adage on Wall Street that no one rings a bell at major market tops or bottoms. That may be true in normal times, but as many have noticed, we are now completely ...

Systemic Failure

As the U.S. financial crisis broadens and deepens, wiping out the wealth and savings of tens of millions, destroying hopes and dreams, it is hard not to see in all of this ...

States”€™ Rights and The Left

I know few liberals who support the War on Drugs, marriage "€œprotection"€ amendments or the PATRIOT Act. In fact, if you talk to the most vocal Leftists about drug ...

A Lexicon of Conservative Bullshit

While a large segment of the Alternative Right believes it is time to abandon the term “conservative” altogether, I’m not so sure.  From where I stand, ...

The Anti-Catholic Backlash”€”Do We Deserve It?

What would we think if the legislature in one of America's most highly educated states, Connecticut, were debating a law that forced Orthodox synagogues to perform mixed ...

The Lobby Strikes Back

During Nixon’s historic trip to China in 1972, his interpreter and I, free for a few hours, conscripted a driver to take us on a tour of Beijing. Somewhere in my files are ...

The More Things Change…

The war waged by the U.S.-led North Atlantic Alliance against Serbia started ten years ago and it is substantively unfinished to this day. That Clinton's war was illegal, ...

Life on Mars

Fear and longing for the 1970s. Most of us, I suspect, are rather nervous these days. One cannot help but wonder, if we are, indeed, experiencing the 21st century equivalent of ...

Plastic Explosives

This week, with his pronouncement that “credit is the lifeblood of a healthy economy,” President Obama reiterated what has been one of his most common themes in ...

The Curious Case of Clinton’s Button

In U.S.-Russian relations, red buttons don"€™t evoke pleasant imagery. For the past 50 years, pushing the red button would ensure the bloom of mushroom clouds over Washington, ...

Money Grows on Trees

If President Obama and the Democrats are to be believed, the age-old economic lesson my parents tried to instill in me has been utterly rebuked. Money not only grows on trees, but ...

America Last

By the choices we make we define ourselves. We reveal our biases and beliefs. And so, too, do our institutions. In writing the $789 billion stimulus bill, Congress revealed ...

The House Poor

Reality often bites, but news this fall of collapsing asset values and housing prices hit a baffled American public like a bombshell. After all, for years, so many Americans had ...


"I advocate what I call "€˜citizenism"€™ as a functional, yet idealistic, alternative to the special-interest abuses of multiculturalism. Citizenism calls upon Americans to ...

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