Pyramid Schemes

After Richard Nixon's landslide victory in 1972, New Yorker film critic Pauline Kael lectured: I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don’t know. ...

Blue Mosque

The Byzantine Forces Behind Turkish Politics

Watching the news of protests in Istanbul, I"€™m reminded of the time I required a Turkish private detective's services. I was in Turkey and had to get the answer to an ...

Frank Sinatra

The Italian Invasion of American Culture

Ever since Steven Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan, the D-Day landings in northern France have increasingly come to stand in for all of the American experience in World War ...

The Progressive Glossary

I’ve recently been made aware of a strange new tribe who refer to themselves collectively"€”they do everything collectively"€”as “progressives.” I think they ...

Martha Stewart

Alex Jones’s Lonely Hearts Club

“Seasoned blonde SWF seeks sophisticated SWM Democrat. Must love dogs, topiary, major (and minor) holidays. Turn offs: processed food, dust, dirt, disarray OF ANY KIND!!! No ...


Chechens Coming Here to Roost

Over the last few days, as I watched both the homicidal antics of the Boston Bomb Brothers and the characteristically competent Tom Cruise science-fiction movie Oblivion, I was ...

OJ Simpson

Separating Fact From Fiction in TV Courtroom Drama

Now in its sixteenth week, the Jodi Arias trial is being broadcast across the nation. But only a few years ago there was considerable debate over whether cameras should even be ...

Jane Fonda

The Company They Kept

Jane Fonda uttered the words, “I will go to my grave” last week and I thought: “Finally!” Fonda recently talked to Oprah about that “one ...

The True Meaning of the V-Word

What do people really mean by the word “vibrant?” Until the disco era, “vibrant” was used only rarely, mostly in connection with vibrations, literal or ...

Cary Mulligan and Leonardo DiCaprio

Gatsby Gets Shot Again

Hollywood is having one more shot at Gatsby"€”the sixth one. The first filmed Gatsby was silent, pun intended. My favorite was the second, made in 1949 and starring Alan Ladd. ...

The Gay Solution to Urban Blight

Since the 1950s a multitude of solutions to revitalize decaying inner cities have come and gone. If anything, matters have grown worse"€”brave souls should visit Detroit, ...

Lord Byron

Myth of the Effeminate Poet

This year was the first time a homosexual poet performed at the Presidential Inauguration. (Not well, one might add.) That may be a shock since all poetry is supposedly written by ...

That (Jewish) 70s Show

As I"€™ve been pointing out in intermittent columns, much of the received wisdom about the 1960s doesn"€™t make much sense. One major reason is that human psychology generally ...

Nate Silver

Silver Cashes In

Nate Silver is most famous for steadily predicting Barack Obama's reelection (which, as you may have heard, happened). Yet his new bestseller The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many ...

Gary Sinise

Hormonal Politics

I"€™m writing my weekly column the evening before Election Day for you to read starting an hour after the polls close on the West Coast. As you may have noticed, I"€™ve ...

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Harry Houdini

When Harry Met Arthur

With Halloween upon us as well as a new television program based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's writings, it's worth revisiting his spiritualist leanings and his contentious ...

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