
Hungry Nonetheless

Paris is the best city in the world for cinema. You have only to go round the corner to see an intelligent and unusual film. In other places it takes a special effort to do so, if ...

Curt Schilling

Nazis vs. Muslims: Who Hateth the Most?

Poor Curt Schilling. Last week, the legendary pitcher dared to tweet about the two things you just don"€™t tweet about (or talk about or whisper about or describe via charades): ...

Robert Mugabe

The Emperor’s Nice Clothes

Robert Mugabe, sempiternal president of Zimbabwe, was recently booed and jeered in parliament, suggesting that, after more than a third of a century in power and at the age of 91, ...

A Warmed-Over Crusade

Maybe the world is waiting for another Clinton to move back into the White House, but whatever the reason, the "€™90s revival is stalled. Since the end of the Second World War, ...

Of Heritage and Hate

Stone Mountain is a 1,700-foot-tall grey dome rock located about a half-hour due east of downtown Atlanta. On its northern face is the largest bas-relief carving in the ...

The First Rule of White Club

I have found that, in the African-American oral tradition, if the words are enunciated eloquently enough, no one examines the meaning for definitive truth. —Biracial ...

Armand Hammer

The Bolshevik Billionaire

Works of art looted by the Nazis remain a subject of much fascination in the 21st century. This year's movie Woman in Gold with Helen Mirren as a Los Angeles woman battling in ...

The Density Divide

The concept of America being divided into sprawling red Republican regions and dense blue Democrat districts first became a cliché In November"€“December 2000. Over the past ...

Elvis Presley

The Man in the White Suit

For those who like to see their name in print, the Hiltons and Kardashians of this world, make sure that when the man in the white suit visits you, you"€™re the only one he's ...

Zante, Greece

The Flickering Ecstasy

Back in the good old days, when Ike and Mamie lived in the White House"€”and the neocons were an ugly bunch of short bald people meeting in New York dumps discussing the ...

The Flight From White

As you may have noticed, the more denunciations we hear of Cisgender Straight White Male Privilege, the more the evidence mounts that, all else being equal, the rewards in 2015 ...

No Sign of “€œNo Jews, No Dogs”€ Signs

Thirty-nine years ago this week, New York Magazine printed a slice of wannabe-Wolfe reportage that spawned a star-making movie, one of the biggest-selling record albums ever, and ...

On Sentimentality and Compassion

Sentimentality and hardness of heart are two sides of the same coin. When sentimentality is confined to weepy films or romantic novels it does little harm and perhaps even some ...

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Moneyball for Real Estate

Where's the best place to move for your children's sake? For several years now, a Harvard Big Data project has been crunching confidential IRS numbers to discover the enduring ...

Noam Chomsky

“Authentic Sensibilities”

Everyone's just gonna have to take my word for this: I started writing this column before Gavin McInnes put out this (delightful) video. No, something purely coincidental ...

To Connect, or Not to Connect

"€˜Only connect"€™ "€“ such were the famous (almost) concluding words of E. M. Forster's novel, Howard's Way. I think if Forster were alive today and still writing, he would ...

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