Tom Stoppard

A “€˜Problem”€™ Worth Addressing

As a Christmas present, I received the book version of The Hard Problem, the latest play by Sir Tom Stoppard. It's the great Tory playwright's first new work for the stage since ...

The Will to Outrage

There is no racist like an antiracist: That is because he is obsessed by race, whose actual existence as often as not he denies. He looks at the world through race-tinted ...

The Bubble, Hollywood-Style

The Big Short, a comedy starring Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, and Brad Pitt as finance-industry renegades betting against the Housing Bubble in 2005"€“08, is ...

An Idiot’s Guide to Getting Dressed

A millennial walked into my office this week looking like a simpleton with a court date. He had a cheap suit on with square-toed shoes and his hair lay flat on his forehead like ...

Indignation (Righteous or Otherwise)

With a little effort I can work myself up into a fury of indignation about most things, but strangely enough not about climate change. The whole subject bores me because I ...

Turf: The Problem and the Promise

That human beings are somewhat territorial animals is a concept that has gone out of intellectual fashion, but it offers useful insights into much of what is in the news. For ...

The African Scene

I think I may safely claim to be one of the few people alive to have flown in a Malian air force DC-3 from Bamako to Timbuktu in the company of a winner of the Nobel Prize in ...

Er, F—- Monomania

To celebrate the arrival of the Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, in Britain, the Guardian newspaper reported that many eminent British writers had, in an open letter, urged ...

Dalton and Cleo Trumbo

Dalton Trumbo Had It Coming

“Dalton Trumbo was a socialist, but he loved being rich.” So says Bryan Cranston, who stars in “Trumbo,” out this week, and plays the screenwriter who ...

“€˜Submission”€™ Statement

Reactionary author Michel Houellebecq's novel about an Islamic takeover of France, Submission, was published the day of the slaughter at Charlie Hebdo. In fact, the satirical ...

Smart Women

There once was an American billionaire, one so powerful and paranoid that he insisted upon being left off all those Forbes lists. He never showed up to Bilderberg or Bohemian ...

Long Island Unsound

Long before the word "€œoligarch"€ became a substitute for major Russian crooks and fraudsters, and a decade before Tom Wolfe invented masters of the universe, we had Wall ...

Something Is Rotten

The British government-funded cultural establishment's fawning and flattering but insincere attitude toward popular culture and the demotic was shown once again in a recent ...

Charlie Sheen

The Republican Drug

With the sports and movie seasons in full swing in October, I"€™m reminded of the many unanswered and often even unasked questions about one of the more pervasive changes of my ...

Lucifer’s Clowns

You may not find it particularly odd if the president of the European Commission enfolds the president of the European Parliament into a loving embrace and smacks him a humid ...

Occam’s Rubber Room

In the 14th century, the English philosopher William of Ockham introduced what has come to be known as Occam's Razor for its usefulness in slicing through intellectual ...

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