In late February, a seven-year legal battle finally reached its conclusion, but nobody noticed. It should have been a big story, but it was eclipsed by the Chinese viral ...
It’s probably a coincidence, but I notice that as businesses go under, jobs are lost, careers are ended and trillions of dollars are drained from the economy, the people most ...
“How can we not be united against death?” So wailed emotive carbuncle Keith Olbermann back in 2009. He was off on some typically nutty rant about single-payer health care, but ...
Well, I’ll be damned; the Chinese are now encouraging “cultural appropriation”! After telling whites that they can’t cook “Asian” food or open “Asian” restaurants ...
We’ve all been trained since infancy to believe that stereotyping is wrong. We’ve also been trained—almost potty-trained—to believe that the worst possible form of ...
Kwanzaa, celebrated exclusively by white liberals, is a fake holiday invented in 1966 by black radical/FBI stooge Ron Karenga -- aka Dr. Maulana Karenga, founder of United Slaves, ...
With the impeachment nonsense making TV news unwatchable, I've been catching up on "Law & Order: SVU" recently. The scripts involve the sort of real-life crimes that are a ...
I gather it would be proof positive of "white nationalism" to point out that the only group discriminated against in college admissions is white people. We've heard a lot about ...
As every contemporary school child knows, the first Thanksgiving took place in 1621, when our Pilgrim forefathers took a break from slaughtering Indigenous Peoples to invite them ...
I’m starting this week’s column on a self-indulgent note. Bear with me; I have a larger point to make. But first, let’s talk about my bloated, misshapen physique. I used to ...
In 2019, two books demanding more censorship have each devoted a chapter to portraying me as a historic villain. In the first, Angela ...
This column will explain the impeachment farce in two minutes. By the end, you will thank the media for demanding the release of Trump's phone calls with the leaders of Ukraine ...
“America was born of sin.” So goes the broken-record preachifyin’ of the racial evangelists of the left. And that sin is (drum roll) racism. Just Google “racist origin ...
It’s widely assumed in thriller movies that if ever the truth is allowed to leak out about a powerful institution’s fundamental corruption, then its reputation must come ...
Last week, The Washington Post and the AP uncovered a racist scandal of international proportions involving that most sinister of beverages, the preferred drink of Archie Bunkers ...
Sailing in Homer’s wine-dark Aegean Sea is the best antidote I know to the brouhaha over the “Squad.” And traipsing all over the Acropolis and the marvels of antiquity makes ...