White Devils for a Free Africa

I write this while American unmanned flights and 18 American "€œspecialists"€ are looking for those 200 unfortunate girls abducted by Boko Haram, a group our very own Hillary ...

Blenheim Palace

Curse You, Supply and Demand!

Like many pundits opining upon French economist Thomas Piketty's new book about how the rich always get richer and something has to be done about it, Capital in the Twenty-First ...

Sochi 2013

Don”€™t Bait the Bears

Back in 1961 a CIA agent and I approached Thomas Lejus, who won the 1959 boys"€™ singles championship for the Soviet Union at Wimbledon. We took him to Café Royal, where ...

Cliven Bundy

The Vanishing Yokel

Even his homespun-sounding name"€”Cliven Bundy"€”hints that he is part of a dying breed. Reputed to be the “last rancher in South Nevada,” he locked horns with the ...

Young Theodore Roosevelt

A More Sinister Equality

Patriotic effusions, whosever they may be, seldom please citizens of other nations, because they are generally so self-congratulatory; and self-congratulation, which is no doubt ...

But Is It Good for the Gays?

Young Jewish Man: "€œIs there a proper blessing for the Czar?"€ Rabbi: "€œA blessing for the Czar? Of course! May God bless and keep the Czar… far away from ...

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Return of the Japan Scam

One of life’s safest bets is that following a visit by a Japanese premier to the Yasukuni Shrine, which honors the nation’s war dead, a lot of Chinese mega-crooks and ...

Joseph Caillaux

World War I

By the time August rolls around there will be hundreds of books, thousands of articles, and millions of words spoken by mostly pompous people about who was responsible for ...

Same Old Neocons

During these holidays we should take a second and send our best wishes to the neocons, poor dears, who are having a bad time during this holy season because their plans have gone ...

Nelson Mandela

Mandela: What the Obits Omit

When the kind-faced mocha Yoda named Nelson Mandela passed into the great beyond last week, the world joined hands like one big giant Coca-Cola commercial to canonize and lionize ...

Simon Wiesenthal

The Turkey Who Cried Wolf

Here's a funny coincidence. Just as Netanyahu is hyperventilating against the interim deal Uncle Sam has struck with Iran in Geneva, a poster campaign by the Simon Wiesenthal ...

Democracy’s Dhimmis and Dummies

There is no doubt in my mind that we wish our destruction. What else could it be? An Elders of Zion plot? Hardly. They would be among the first to go down, although unlike us, ...

Notre Dame

Undercounting the Opposition

I estimate that a crowd of 1,400,000 gathered in Paris on May 26 for a rally in favor of traditional families and against France’s newly enacted legal extension of civil ...

We Don”€™t Need Another Antihero

"€œWe don"€™t need another hero,"€ sang Tina Turner in an otherwise forgettable Mad Max franchise outing. The 1985 song was a hit for reasons I"€™ll never fathom. Like ...

The Real Terrorists

I write this during the weekend that finally saw the end of those two dreadful Chechens who were described by many newspapers"€”starting with the Times, of course"€”as typical ...

USS Liberty

Pin the Tail on the Subhuman

On the brilliant summer's morning of June 8, 1967, the USS Liberty, a technical research ship lying in international waters about 25 miles north of the Sinai Peninsula, was ...

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