To Tell You the Truth…

If the Clintons were not as down-market as they are, they would have fit in perfectly in 15th-century Florence, the city that gave us Botticelli and Cellini, and also the Medici, ...

Hogwarts School

Hogwash 101

American academia markets itself as progressive if not downright radical. For example, here's a self-description by an assistant professor of Critical Identity Studies at Beloit ...

Woodrow Wilson

Poor Uncle Sam

William F. Buckley spent his adult winter months in Rougemont, an alpine resort next to its chicer neighbor Gstaad, now a mecca for the nouveaux riches and vulgar. Throughout the ...

10 Things I Like About White Guys

White men have been getting a bad rap lately. We"€™re complete idiots in commercials and on TV in general. Other races and genders roll their eyes at us and say things such as ...

Los Angeles River

Ghost Inside Your Haunted Head

In my column several weeks ago, I took a swipe at certain types of Christian conservatives, suggesting that their belief in the reality of "€œdemonic possession"€ leads them ...

Top 10 Trump Myths

Fake news site Buzzfeed just published a fake news story that is so fake, it's not even fake news. "€œIt's just fake,"€ as Kellyanne Conway put it. The editor of Buzzfeed ...

Milos Yiannopoulos

The War on Free Speech 2017

"€œThe guy has freedom of speech but to fund him & give him a platform tells me a LOT about @simonschuster YUCK AND BOO AND GROSS,"€ declared Sarah Silverman when she ...

“€œFake News”€ and Real Lives

Last week, suspected lesbian, part-time exotic jungle dancer, and two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton waddled like a postmenopausal penguin into DC and urged a ...

Ooh, It’s Like a Hate Wave!

According to Nevada Senator Harry Reid"€”who is retiring from politics to pursue a career as a Roy Orbison impersonator"€”Donald Trump's election "€œhas sparked a wave of ...

Book Retorts

American writers are on a roll. Bob Dylan wins the Nobel in Literature (for backward children), and Paul Beatty the Man Booker Prize, the first American to do so because this was ...

Violence in the Name of Compassion

As the elderly black female homeless Trump supporter was curled in the fetal position on the sidewalk while street swine jeered at her from all sides, a black man leaned over and ...

Streicher’s Last Laugh

I thought it would be a bigger deal. Last week marked the 70th anniversary, to the day, of the hanging of the Nuremberg trial defendants, and I have to admit, I was expecting to ...

Acropolis and Parthenon, Athens

Fat Cats Are Wearing Thin

A bunch of charlatans and clowns met in Athens, Greece, at the end of September and, to use an old Greek expression, managed to make a hole in the water. In other words, they ...

Los Angeles

L.A.’s Dirty Little Brown Secret

Consider it one of this summer's most underreported stories. In what's described as "€œone of the largest civil rights indictments in L.A. history,"€ an old-school Mexican ...

Olympia’s True Victors

Once again the only country of any size that, as far as I can see, emerges from the Olympic Games with any credit is India. Accounting for something like a sixth of the world's ...

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

What’s the Matter With Wisconsin?

The celebrated Black Lives Matter movement chalked up another riot over the weekend, this time in Milwaukee. A black cop shot an armed black criminal and much passive-voice news ...

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