Smearing the Smearers

As I’m sure you’ve heard, two black dudes went into a Starbucks last week and claimed a table without ordering anything. And then they (yes, apparently both of them at the ...

The Truth About Progressive Companies

Progressive companies are not only of rich sociological interest; they often provide wonderful unintended comedy. For close scrutiny shows that, on the whole, progressive ...

James Comey

One Percent Chance Comey Not A Self-Dramatizing Fruitcake

There have been a lot of questions about why Trump fired James Comey, ever since he announced to NBC’s Lester Holt—incomprehensibly—that it was his decision, ...

Dreamers In The News!

With all the tender concern President Trump and Nancy Pelosi have been heaping on “Dreamers” of late, you’d think the media would notice and pepper us with ...


“Extensive Data Shows Punishing Reach of Racism for Black Boys,” blared the headline in Monday’s New York Times, announcing the latest massive study from Stanford economist ...

How Could Anyone Hate the Globalists?

If you oppose globalism in any way, you must be some kind of Nazi. At least that’s the message I’m getting from the slavishly pro-globalist press. It’s long been my ...

Hogging the Gun Control Limelight

I am so sick of David Hogg, the pompadorable Parkland school shooting “survivor” and media-darling gun control activist. And I feel an intense need to publicly say just how ...

Farting on Black People

I’ve often thought of Black History Month as a Valentine’s Day gift to those of us who are single. With the annual media barrage of images of black suffering past and present, ...

Meek Mill

Perpetual Victims

If you wanted to write a satire of leftist journalism, you could hardly do better than the sincere Sports Illustrated article on Meek Mill by DeAntae Prince. It concerns the ...

California Brownout

“If you’re black, we cannot be friends. Go fuckin’ die, you ugly-ass black people.” So begins a Snapchat video by a female California high school student. “Black people ...

Immigration and the Deep State

Why did received opinion melt down so spectacularly when Donald Trump allegedly said in private that he wanted more immigrants from places like “Norway and Asia” and fewer ...

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah’s Depraved Indifference

Our most effective U.S. presidents—and keep in mind, I’m saying “most effective,” not “best”—possessed, to one degree or another, a certain measure of indifference ...

Dadaab, Somalia

The Audacity of Saying “Shitholes”

Right at the moment when I was ready to flush all hope down the toilet, along comes Donald Trump with a comment about shitholes. At a White House meeting on Thursday with a ...

President Trump’s Murder Report Card

One reason Donald Trump is president is because of the Obama administration’s own goal in setting off a major murder wave in Ferguson in 2014, in an era when both technology and ...

Listen for the Noise

Rose-colored glasses conceded, the ’50s were still the best decade ever. Uncle Sam was propping up recovering Europe, our borders were not being overrun, the French Riviera was ...

Children of the State

As of this writing, there have been 298 homicide victims this year here in Philly, a 14% increase since 2016. That is consistent with the national trend of rising homicides, for ...

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