Cecil and his pride

What if Lions Are Better Than People?

But I will tell you that in a prison they crucified a cat before ourselves. They beat nails in the feet of the cat and the cat was hanging with the head down, and can you imagine ...

Fight the Pao-er!

Playboy once asked author Ray Bradbury why science fiction was the "€œpurview of young men."€ His response is worth recalling now that Ellen Pao has resigned as Reddit's CEO ...

George Takei

Mr. Sulu v. Uncle Tom

I’ve never seen a Star Trek movie and I"€™ve only seen one episode of the original TV series"€”the one with the Tribbles. Otherwise, the evidence leads me to suspect ...

Love and Hate in Dixie

“I will never be able to hold her again, but I forgive you.” So said Nadine Collier, who lost her mother in the massacre at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, ...

Rachel Dolezal

Wigger, Pleeze!

Sipping my iced coffee outside a café last Thursday night in Decatur, GA"€”a town with such a thriving lesbian ghetto that local wiseacres call it Dick Hater, GA"€”the ...

Ten Thousand Haven Monahans

"€œThe philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."€ "€“ Karl Marx The latest liberal hoax exposed is a happy ...

Ann Coulter

¡Adios, Ann Coulter!

Ann Coulter is a withered old hag who uses shock value to sell books. Look at her face. What is she, 40? And her hair? Come on. Are we supposed to take this "€œwoman"€ ...

Humor is Truth

Writing "€œIt's been a bad week for white professors"€ is a lazy, hacky opening. Especially because it cues up, at least in my movie-addled mind, Addison DeWitt's weary ...

The Other White Meat

Despite the ceaseless yippety-yap one hears about “white privilege,” the glaringly obvious privilege currently denied to white Americans is the privilege to feel OK ...

Refuge from the Refugees

A woman friend once told me that the secret of being a bitch is to tell the truth in the nastiest possible way. In Fleet Street a succession of women journalists have been paid ...

Darren Wilson: Free At Last!

Eric Holder’s Justice Department has completed its investigation into whether Ferguson cop Darren Wilson killed Michael Brown in cold blood for racist reasons when he shot ...

The Almighty Measle

The recent outbreak of measles has predictably sparked a national debate. California, which is the center of the story, reports just over a hundred cases. The second-most reported ...

A Rolling Stone Gathers No Rape

Despite what basic common sense would dictate, we are repeatedly spoon-fed the mantra that we live in a "€œrape culture."€ And despite ample evidence to the contrary, we are ...

Since When Are Egyptians Not White?

I don"€™t care what color the ancient Egyptians were, but then again, I"€™m not an Afrocentrist. But if one day in the distant future after a series of debilitating strokes I ...

The Moral Panic Truth-o-Meter

On February 27, 2013, Canadian historian and (more or less) conservative political operative Tom Flanagan gave a lecture in Lethbridge, Alberta. Driving home without a cell phone, ...

Jian Ghomeshi


Oh, great: another Canadian Muslim on a rampage. Don"€™t worry, I don"€™t mean that some self-styled Islamic terrorist is killing our men in uniform again. That was last ...

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