In the past few weeks, I"ve had a good dozen people ask me about "Pizzagate." "So whaddya think, Dave? Is it a real scandal? Is there a "there" there?" ...
Who would be a politician? It is like living in permanent fear of ambush, with everyone waiting to pounce on the first stupid thing that you say or do. To be a politician, ...
If you want to understand Hillary Clinton's campaign for president, a good place to start is the current libel trial against Rolling Stone for publishing Sabrina Rubin Erdely's ...
How long has The New Yorker been coughing up blood? Not that the magazine ever possessed the talismanic qualities for me that it does for its cultlike subscribers"many of ...
Last week I talked about that ingrate Aziz Ansari and how nobody stops to question Indians when they complain about racism, even though they represent the wealthiest ethnic group ...
Our interview with Jesse Hughes from Eagles of Death Metal blew up the Internet this week. I"ve appeared on Greg Gutfeld's show as well as Red Eye, Dana, The Buck Sexton Show, ...
Muirfield, a few miles out of Edinburgh on the East Lothian coast, is one of the world's great golf courses. Indeed the magazine Golf Monthly has rated it the best of all. Jack ...
When the news broke that more than 11 million documents had, in effect, been stolen from the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, my first reaction was one of awe. Eleven million! ...
All hell broke loose this month in the halls of academia. Medievalism, a field normally clean and cloistered, was rocked to its very foundations by the knowledge that one of its ...
This past Wednesday at 1:30 a.m. a Southern man who goes by the moniker "Saint Negro" tweeted, "We are doing the same thing Rosa Parks did," under a fake Twitter ...
I never liked Bill Cosby. If, anytime between 1984 and 1992, I"d been overwhelmed by a hankering to watch a loud, pompous middle-aged man yell at his family, I"d have ...
Irredeemably dissolute actor Charlie Sheen revealed last week that he tested positive for HIV four years ago. The Mirror alleges that since then, Sheen has “slept with more ...
On Monday, America's undergraduate college system melted down in three humiliating incidents. At Yale, in a brouhaha over Halloween costumes that has been dragging on for a week ...
An old Australian judge of my acquaintance, an art collector and general connoisseur, now dead, alas, had no interest in cars and used to answer inquiries as to what car he ...
I’m not even sure what the “Jewish Question” is, but I’m almost certain that the answer is, “You’re an anti-Semite.” At least ...
“If the law supposes that, the law is a ass—a idiot.” Charles Dickens gave that line to Mr. Bumble in “Oliver Twist.” And it sums up the judgment ...