Appearing at the National Press Club this morning, flanked by rock-solid conservative third-party candidate Chuck Baldwin, the venerable Ralph Nadar, and the insane and reprehensible leftist Cynthia McKinney, Ron Paul dispensed this guidance: For me, though, my advice"for what it's worth"is to vote! Reject the two candidates who demand perpetuation of the status quo and pick one of the alternatives that you have the greatest affinity to, based on the other issues. A huge vote for those running on principle will be a lot more valuable by sending a message that we"ve had enough ...
If we evaluate Sunday's Ron Paul r3VOLution March according Kevin's "Rules for Radicals," then it comes out pretty well. "Rowdiness in moderation" must be some kind of conservative ...
Appearing at the National Press Club this morning, flanked by rock-solid conservative third-party candidate Chuck Baldwin, the venerable Ralph Nadar, and the insane and ...
If we evaluate Sunday's Ron Paul r3VOLution March according Kevin's "Rules for Radicals," then it comes out pretty well. "Rowdiness in moderation" must be some ...