As I’ve been known to point out, the “equity” that the all-conquering Diversity-Inclusion-Equity (DIE) crusade truly wants is your equity in your home. Current developments in Evanston, Ill., and Manhattan Beach, Calif., are starting to give us a sense of how today’s increasingly antiquarian white guilt will be leveraged into sizable handouts over supposed injustices in the distant past. We live in an era bizarrely obsessed with real estate transactions of increasingly remote generations. For example, Amazon’s new TV series Them is about the horrors at the hands of whiteness faced ...
The most overlooked cause of the economic crash of ten years ago this Saturday is modern America’s most sacred value, diversity. As far as I can tell, the now-sacred cliché that “Diversity is ...
Maybe it's a religion thing. I can"t imagine Sikhs or Jains fantasizing about living alone in a cozy, remote little shack. But if you"re a Christian"especially a Catholic, even a ...
In the wake of Open Borders Day, Ryan Cooper of The Week laments that for all the talk of inclusiveness and tolerance, rich white folk won"t let the hoi polloi into their ...
The real estate market is back in the news, although, not surprisingly, it's now the mirror image of last decade's excesses. Ten years ago the prices of exurban tract homes in the ...
One evening back in the late 1980s, I returned to my then-apartment on Toronto's Dundonald Street and heard the unmistakable refrain of "Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead" ...
Dr. Watson's description of London"" that great cesspool into which all the loungers and idlers of the Empire are irresistibly drained""has never been more apt. ...
The struggles of even the best-connected California celebrities to nail down every last one of the permits they need to build on their own property helps demonstrate why ...
The modern age offers no refuge from the state. The world's habitable unpopulated regions are firmly under sovereign nations" regulation. There is still adventure to be had in ...
An international shouting match is underway over the fate of the city everyone loves but no one wants to live in: Venice. It started back in 2008, after Venice ran out of cash to ...
Despite the pain of the past year and a half, will the signs of what smacks of a second Gilded Age "continue on their merry way," as one Vanity Fair editor recently ...