You want to write a piece about the threat from white supremacists, remembering that Attorney General Merrick Garland told Congress that violence incited by white supremacists poses “the most dangerous threat to our democracy.” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas agreed. According to Biden administration officials, the threat is greater than from any foreign nation, including—and this is frightening—Donald Trump’s longstanding co-conspirator, Russia! So you go to Google and type in “The Oath Keepers” because you’ve discovered it is one of the three major white ...
The weather was fine—I do not remember a spring as fine as this, but perhaps I have never before had so much time in which to remark upon the weather. In Paris, however, they have not yet opened ...
For reasons best known to myself, last week I read a short book about Richard II, the English king who came to the throne at age 10 and was deposed 22 years later, in 1399, and murdered the following ...
The minor inconveniences of life often cause disproportionate despair, at least if my reaction to them is anything to go by. Is life worth living, one wonders, when there is no ...
Supermarkets are undoubtedly convenient, but convenience and a large choice of cheap comestibles is far from being the highest human good. Supermarkets destroy the small commerce ...
My bank is large and I am small: Perhaps that is why it feels entitled to write to me so impertinently. I received a letter from it the other day with the heading “Some of your ...
It would be difficult to imagine a greater example of oblivious stupidity and hubris than Jeffrey Sach and Bandy Lee’s recent article for Project Syndicate, “Trump’s ...
This week, we’ll cover one of the little-noticed ways mass Third World immigration is making our country more colorful: elder rape. Usually the vibrant cultural diversity ...
Black lives may matter, but some matter less than others. Poor Stephon Clark. He was so close to the sainthood that is bestowed upon any black person who’s shot by a ...
One of the most denied of all human rights is that to silence. I do not mean by this the right to remain silent when accused of a crime, though in Britain at least this has ...
This past Tuesday several people were murdered just outside the House of Commons. Killing people outside security barriers makes much better sense for a terrorist than trying to ...
“Disheartening and demoralizing,” wailed Judge Neil Gorsuch of President Trump’s comments about the judges seeking to overturn his 90-day ban on travel to the ...
It is strange what moves people to action, if signing a petition counts as action"which, given the sedentary nature of so much of the population, I suppose it might do. ...
Whether looseness of language is a consequence or a cause of looseness of thought I cannot say. No doubt it is sometimes the one and sometimes the other. Perhaps"to indulge in ...
Yesterday morning, as I was sitting in the flat on Paris that I have rented for a time quietly finishing my latest book, Murderers I Have Known (and I have known quite a few), a ...
Some rich brats at Salon were recently bitching about the “GOP-shredded safety net” they claim has forced moms into the workplace. In a typical example of bourgeois ...