In the tiny sheltered pampered enclaves of coastal American cities, some parents are refusing to reveal their children’s biological sex to anyone—including relatives and the infants themselves—until the toddler is old enough to decide for himself or herself. Instead of babies, they are calling their genderless spawn “theybies.” Even stranger is the fact that they will act as if YOU’RE the weird one if you have a problem with that. They will act as if you’re some weird sort of pedophilic voyeur who is “obsessed” with their baby’s genitals, which is less likely than the idea ...
Of all the things I write and amid the vast expanse of radioactive topics I cover without flinching, only one issue has caused two different people from my past to contact me out of the blue and ...
Far more than any other animal, the human being is able to gain some control over nature. It is an extraordinary accomplishment. Worship of the natural elements—so fearsome to our primitive ...
I’ll bet you didn’t realize that “Jingle Bells” is an unabashed celebration of white supremacy and that “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” inadvertently celebrates the ...
During last Tuesday’s minor off-year elections, a glorious total of “eight openly transgender candidates” swept to victory, squashing the hopes and stomping on the necks of ...
One of my many regrets is that when I was young and on the tennis circuit, I played as a man. I had a crush on Margaret Osborne duPont, an older player who won numerous Wimbledon ...
Trannies remind me of libertarians. To be more precise, the thing I find most objectionable about trannies is also the thing I find most objectionable about the hardcore, ...
A Canadian child born last November is thought to be the first person in the world issued a government health card without a gender designation. Prediction: This child will grow ...
The current year is 2017, people, so why are we still segregating male and female athletes? Don"t they know that gender is a social construct and everyone's ...