Donald Trump

Will Elites Blow Up the GOP?

“Buchanan, if you ever hear of a group getting together to stop X, be sure to put your money on X.” So, Richard Nixon told me half a century ago, after he had been ...

What’s Worse: Banning Them or Bombing Them?

Lawdy, lawdy was there an eruption of sanctimonious gasping and self-righteous snorting and pearl-clutching and face-fanning and catching the vapors last week when Donald Trump ...

Sum Ting Wong

According to CBS"€™ L.A. affiliates, neighbors of Muslim mass murderers Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik noticed some very suspicious things going on at the couple's apartment in ...

Marine Le Pen or Tashfeen Malik?

French history is currently speeding up, which ought to be of intense interest to American Republicans pondering whom to nominate in 2016. While many Americans enjoy engaging in ...

Marine Le Pen

America and France Turn Right

In Sunday’s first-round of regional elections in France, the clear and stunning winner was the National Front of Marine Le Pen. Her party rolled up 30 percent of the vote, ...

Loretta Lynch

When Your “€œLeaders”€ Are Leading You off a Cliff

This past summer when Dylann Roof killed nine black churchgoers in Charleston, SC, US Attorney General Loretta Lynch"€”a black woman"€”expressed zero concern about protecting ...

What’s Really Behind the San Bernardino Shooting: Paternity Leave

The first thing I thought when I heard the names of Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, was "€œThey sound like new parents."€ Sure enough, the couple had a baby ...

The French Deflection

No one plays "€œfollow the leader"€ better than leftists; no one can mindlessly copy talking points like they do. It's one of the reasons liberals excel in academia and ...

Are Trump and Putin Right?

Monday, MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” hosted a spirited discussion with Donald Trump on whether he was right in asserting that Muslims in New Jersey celebrated as the ...

What Would “€œWinning”€ Look Like? (Besides Having “€œGreat Hair”€?)

Taki's own Gavin McInnes just conducted a mesmerizing interview with's Milo. It was titled "€œWhy We"€™re Winning,"€ because Milo's new column in question ...

Barking Back at Black Lives Matter

The weekend before last, Donald Trump egged on a frenzied crowd of sweaty Alabama rednecks as they beat, kicked, and bludgeoned a peaceful Black Lives Matter activist, while last ...

PC Schnooks and Bureaucrooks

What does one do, go to or refuse a party after a tragic event such as the recent Paris outrage? My son happens to live next to the Place de la République, where the massacre of ...

Strong Mutually Antagonistic Governments Everywhere

In the spirit of Aristotelian moderation, allow me to suggest that an emerging danger of the 21st century is that the non-Western world could get overly right-wing. Ironically, a ...

Will Europe Man Up?

If the purpose of terrorism is to terrify, the Islamic State had an extraordinary week. Brussels, capital of the EU and command post of mighty NATO, is still in panic and ...

Marco Rubio

A Campus Crock

To the average observer, the ongoing fight for the Republican presidential nomination is enough to make you hurl. Outside of Donald Trump's common-sense-laced rants, little ...

Jean-Claude Juncker

Time to Get Tough

Leave it to the egregious New York Times to run an editorial three days after the Paris massacres defending the so-called refugees. They are not refugees but migrants, and ...

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