Deep State of the Union

The 20th-century Turkish concept of a "€œdeep state"€ first spread to other Mediterranean countries such as Italy, and is now slowly being picked up by American pundits. ...


What Bernie & The Donald Portend

Three weeks out from the Iowa caucuses, and clarity emerges. Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee, is in trouble. Polls show her slightly ahead of Socialist Bernie ...

Who Scares America More?

This is a certainty: Donald Trump would be the next chancellor if he were running for office in Germany. Mass assaults on German women by recently arrived Muslim Arabs have ...

Smashing Through the Glass Coffin

When it comes to sexual equity in the workplace, the biggest “gender gap” of all is the fact that men suffer around 92% of all job-related fatalities. According to ...

Ammon Bundy

The Plight of the Modern Rebel

This past Wednesday at 1:30 a.m. a Southern man who goes by the moniker "€œSaint Negro"€ tweeted, "€œWe are doing the same thing Rosa Parks did,"€ under a fake Twitter ...

Washington D.C.

Pols on Patrol

2015 may be the last year when Americans think of Washington, D.C., as a safe city. Last June, a video of a brutal beating between two black men on the city's Metro line went ...

The Power of a Bad Idea

In early 2012, a conservative blogger I had never heard of named Brooks Bayne, who apparently had a website of some sort (and who, according to some, is a white nationalist), ...

Forecasting a Million Muslim Mob

In the news and opinion business, late December and early January are the dead season as journalists go on vacation, leaving behind their canned top 10 lists for last year and ...

Cecil Rhodes

Whitewashing the Blackboard

Here's some more good stuff from the "€œacademy"€ to get 2016 really rolling. It concerns Cecil Rhodes, the empire builder who left an Oxford University college more than 50 ...

Donald Trump: Carnage Recruiter

Of all the people I don"€™t envy, of all the unfortunates who labor away at the type of dirty jobs that would make Mike Rowe throw his hands up in frustration, the ones I pity ...

Is the West Disintegrating?

On Jan. 1, 2002, the day that euro coins and banknotes entered into circulation, my column, “Say Goodbye to the Mother Continent,” contained this pessimistic ...

We”€™re All Fascists Now

After decades of bitterly partisan acrimony, a consensus has been forged. Americans on all sides of the political compass finally agree on something: Donald Trump is a ...

Francois Hollande

Against the Law

Credit where credit is due: President Hollande"€”who until then had never seemed à la hauteur, as the French say, of his exalted position, appearing more like the deputy head ...

A Christmas Miracle: CNN Discovers “€œJewish Terrorism”€!

Well, I"€™ll be damned. The mainstream media has finally discovered the Jewish Defense League. And only a decade or two too late. But why nitpick? Any old fool can condemn a ...

Christine Lagarde

Troubling Times

The week between Christmas and New Year's is a long one, recovery time for many of us. The silliest newspaper in the world, The New York Times, uses it to slip in some propaganda ...

Islam and the West: An Irreconcilable Conflict?

“I worry greatly that the rhetoric coming from the Republicans, particularly Donald Trump, is sending a message to Muslims here ... and ... around the world, that there is a ...

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