The celebrated Black Lives Matter movement chalked up another riot over the weekend, this time in Milwaukee. A black cop shot an armed black criminal and much passive-voice news ...
On Sept. 30, the end of fiscal year 2016, the national debt is projected to reach $19.3 trillion. With spending on the four biggest budget items—Medicare, Medicaid, Social ...
Donald Trump threatened to kill Hillary Clinton last Tuesday. The Secret Service came to visit him and he's looking at five years in prison. It's all conjecture, of course, but ...
The recent events in Turkey interested me in part because I am about to pay my annual visit to that country. I always go to the same place, in which, though it is very ...
“I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged,” Donald Trump told voters in Ohio and Sean Hannity on Fox News. And that hit a nerve. “Dangerous,” ...
There are many things to enjoy about Donald Trump's unlikely climb to the head of the Republican Party. The media outcry, the resurgence of America First policy, the internet ...
Wearing a Trump shirt in Florida is like wearing a Rolling Stones shirt at a Rolling Stones concert. In cities such as Berkeley, Madison, or Portland, however, it's like wearing ...
When was the last time you heard an open-borders globalist referred to as “right-wing”? I’m drawing blanks, too. The transnational corporate and media elites ...
Donald Trump is strikingly unaffected by the ideological indoctrination that has otherwise overwhelmed the thinking of American elites. Why? Trump's lack of verbal ...
NEW YORK—All over America IKEA futons are groaning with the restless insomnia of journalists"tossing, turning, cursing the impotence of their melatonin ...
I don"t hate women"at least not all of them. But I hate a certain kind of woman, a kind that is depressingly prevalent yet woefully unacknowledged for fear of appearing ...
The accusation that Putin has a connection to Trump, so widely repeated now by the corporate media and the Democrats with whom they coordinate, is nothing new. It also came up in ...
In a normal election year, it would be big news: one of the largest and most influential newspapers in the U.S. fooled by a small cadre of internet trolls into publishing a ...
Waving off the clerics who had come to administer last rites, Voltaire said: “All my life I have ever made but one prayer to God, a very short one: ‘O Lord, make my ...
At the Republican National Convention last week in Cleveland, none of the speakers used the phrase “white people.” Anti-racists, however, need to make EVERYTHING about ...
The big news of the day: Ted Cruz declined to endorse Donald Trump. Instead, he used his RNC address to deliver an extended passive-aggressive slight. Cruz urged delegates to ...