"Trying to organize right-wingers is like herding cats!" During the years I ran the Republican Party Animals organization, I can"t even tally the number of times I was ...
I have a confession to make: I enjoy reading New York Times columnist David Brooks. (Wait, don"t hit the "back" button on your browser yet! I have a good point to ...
Hillary Clinton's disastrous Labor Day raises the question: If Donald Trump were as bad as she says, shouldn"t Hillary drop out so a better candidate could beat him? But ...
With Stephen Harper now resigned and retired, Conservative MP Dr. Kellie Leitch is running for his old job as party leader. To that end, she recently surveyed her constituents, ...
In 1964, Phyllis Schlafly of Alton, Illinois, mother of six, wrote and published a slim volume entitled “A Choice Not an Echo.” Backing the candidacy of Sen. Barry ...
According to the professional pundits who are paid to dictate reality to us, Donald Trump is clearly an evil Satanic Nazi demon who will eat your babies and summon a nuclear ...
Whatever the result of this decidedly odd presidential election may be, one thing is clear: The next occupant of the White House will be old enough to qualify for a place in a ...
I"ll just come right out and say it"in my column two weeks ago, in which I interviewed three well-known Trump diehards"I straight-out lied to my readers. But I am ...
Puerto Rico is being allowed to fall apart in order to rig American presidential elections by tipping Florida's electoral votes to the Democrats. The looting of Puerto Rico's ...
The debacle that is U.S. Syria policy is today on naked display. NATO ally Turkey and U.S.-backed Arab rebels this weekend attacked our most effective allies against ISIS, the ...
Last Thursday in Reno, presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton took a brief break from coughing up lesbian fur balls and practicing urban dance moves in order to introduce an ...
Remember last week when Trump tanked his campaign by flip-flopping on immigration? Few do. It was almost seven days ago and this campaign is about turning every glitch the GOP ...
Should America fall apart (God forfend!), Jonathan Haidt will be the doom merchant who rang the alarm bell the loudest. The social psychologist just gave a remarkably ...
If you dare to question whether Hillary Clinton is physically ill, her dutiful media maidservants will smear you as mentally ill. It matters not how many times she falls, how ...
NEW YORK"I can prove to a mathematical certainty that The New York Times will endorse Donald Trump for president. My forensic investigation started two weeks ago when I wrote ...
Last week was not a very good week for Donald Trump's poll numbers. In fact, I had several Trump diehards"not bloggers or pundits, just private nobodies who are friends of ...