So this is my fourth Hitler. When I was a kid, I treasured my Book of Lists, and still remember big chunks of it. (But don"t know my own cell phone number a year after I got ...
However Donald Trump came upon the foreign policy views he espoused, they were as crucial to his election as his views on trade and the border. Yet those views are hemlock to the ...
A fundamental but hugely unacknowledged divide in America is the intergalactically large chasm between urban and rural culture. The city slickers and the country bumpkins might as ...
Americans have been to the polls. Everything is over but the shouting — by the loser, that is: honest Hil. I predicted that the best Trump could have hoped for was winning the ...
Like many, Donald Trump's stunning capture of the United States presidency caught me by surprise. I had written off his unorthodox campaign as untenable in the age of safe spaces ...
What are all these celebrities still doing here? Didn"t they promise us they were gone if Trump won? So many of them said they were heading to Canada, street artist Sabo ...
Reading Andrew Scott Cooper's The Fall of Heaven: The Pahlavis and the Final Days of Imperial Iran, I had something of a revelation. Islam isn"t at all the backwards, medieval ...
This essay is intended solely for our male readership. Our three female readers can sit this one out. Go bake us a pie or knit us a sweater or something. Men: If Hillary Clinton ...
Sixty years ago this week all hell broke loose: Soviet tanks rumbled into Budapest and put down a nationalist uprising in a very bloody manner. Down south, Anglo-French ...
This morning (Nov. 1) The Times (London, not New York) had a gloomy leading article. Reflecting on what it described as the "dismal choice" facing the American electorate, ...
What if Hillary wins? We don"t have to think about what to do if we win. If we win, we will wear Hawaiian shirts every day and carry around our own personal beer stein that ...
Will the FBI find any interesting emails from Hillary Clinton in the trove on the laptop of former congressman Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of Hillary's gofer-in-chief ...
After posting Friday’s column, “A Presidency from Hell,” about the investigations a President Hillary Clinton would face, by afternoon it was clear I had ...
As the elderly black female homeless Trump supporter was curled in the fetal position on the sidewalk while street swine jeered at her from all sides, a black man leaned over and ...
Who would be a politician? It is like living in permanent fear of ambush, with everyone waiting to pounce on the first stupid thing that you say or do. To be a politician, ...
There were some 50,000 casualties in the three-day Battle of Gettysburg, more than 8,000 killed, more than 25,000 wounded, many of whom subsequently died, others missing or taken ...