Richard Spencer

Front-Page Bogeyman

NEW YORK CITY—Richard Spencer made the front page of the NY Times two days in a row last week, as well as a half-page report on the third day. For any of you who have never ...

Michelle Obama and Anna Wintour

The Best of Times, the Worst of ‘Times’

Even by modern, cataclysmically hysterical standards, the postelection histrionics by the losers take the proverbial cake. Poor Graydon Carter, the Vanity Fair honcho. He wrote ...

Downgrade ISIS

Counting unhatched chickens is rash. Nevertheless, it does seem that ISIS is slowly being degraded as a military power and self-proclaimed state. This is good news for Iraq and ...

See, This Is Why We Can”€™t Have White Things

I"€™m sure it must have seemed like a good idea at the time. My friend Larry Thomas, an actor primarily known for one iconic role"€”that of the ill-tempered chef known as the ...

Populist-Nationalist Tide Rolls On

Now that the British have voted to secede from the European Union and America has chosen a president who has never before held public office, the French appear to be following ...

Fidel Castro - Uzbekistan, 1963

Castro’s Utopian Hellhole

Fidel Castro is dead, so that's cool. Born to wealth and privilege and educated in exclusive private schools"€”which seems to be the case with all communist fanatics I"€™ve ...

New York

The Lady Doth Protest Too Much

NEW YORK—If only my friendly wordsmith Jeremy Clarke had been with me, what fun he’d have had with the ungallant thing I did last week. Jeremy’s writing thrives on such ...

Lyncher, Faker, Mischief Maker

When Democrats lose big, one thing is for sure"€”the pitchforks and hangin"€™ ropes are coming out. Using lynchings to deal with defeat is as old as, well, how old is the ...

Trump Supporters and Their Fair-Weather Friends

Rapper Kanye West was just carted away to a mental institution for #TrumpingWhileBlack and he will likely spend Thanksgiving in his hospital room. West's team has canceled his ...

A Besieged Trump Presidency Ahead

After a week managing the transition, vice president-elect Mike Pence took his family out to the Broadway musical “Hamilton.” As Pence entered the theater, a wave of ...

Fifty Shades of Hate

Congratulations, Taki's! You made the big time! And by "€œbig time"€ I mean, er, a bunch of telephone poles in one Toronto neighborhood. Right after Trump's election, this ...

Ooh, It’s Like a Hate Wave!

According to Nevada Senator Harry Reid"€”who is retiring from politics to pursue a career as a Roy Orbison impersonator"€”Donald Trump's election "€œhas sparked a wave of ...

Nothing Special

There was some mild anxiety when it was revealed that Mr. Trump, as president-elect, called eight or nine heads of government before speaking to the British prime minister, ...

Eating Humble Pie and Hitler Crow

In last week's column, I wished the Trump camp good luck, while taking great pains to not make a prediction regarding the outcome of the election. In my private life, I was not so ...

The Sailer Strategy

As the Duke of Wellington more or less said after the Battle of Waterloo, it was a damn close-run thing. But the Trump campaign triumphed using what my editor at VDARE, Peter ...

Surrounded by Whiners

BERKELEY, Calif."€”Berkeley is, of course, the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement, and I happened to be here the day after the election, so I got to witness the very first ...

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